Reddit denies the weirdest things. I've had a discussion where people ganged up on me for saying that men have a significantly higher sex drive. They all claimed it was equal and it's only perceived as not because women's sexuality is "oppressed".
Yeah this aint a liberal safe space. If you think about it its really just a way to ensure low iq weak willed people with the slave morality leave the genetic diaspora
1 AutoModerator 2019-10-03
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5 211sAndMacallan 2019-10-03
Dude do you purposely misspell every second word you type just to trigger me
Because it works
6 Slump_o 2019-10-03
he’s just dumb
5 collectijism 2019-10-03
Whats wrong i dont spell well enough to be a part of your worker led communist revulotion?
6 211sAndMacallan 2019-10-03
You don’t spell enough to even be the Fox News retard that you are
2 collectijism 2019-10-03
Ok so like a trucker spelling level so you admit that the right wing represents the working class? Me too
5 Rentokill_boy 2019-10-03
you can be a representative for the downs class
1 collectijism 2019-10-03
Downsies are people ok
3 WreckingYourHome 2019-10-03
Reddit denies the weirdest things. I've had a discussion where people ganged up on me for saying that men have a significantly higher sex drive. They all claimed it was equal and it's only perceived as not because women's sexuality is "oppressed".
2 collectijism 2019-10-03
Yeah the government literally taught them that in a mandatory communist reducation camp after they removed churches, communities and fathers.
3 WreckingYourHome 2019-10-03
Ehhh, well I wouldn't take it that far, but sure.
1 collectijism 2019-10-03
Yeah this aint a liberal safe space. If you think about it its really just a way to ensure low iq weak willed people with the slave morality leave the genetic diaspora
2 SnapshillBot 2019-10-03
Congratulations! I do not often downvote. You have earned mine.
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