Dementia daddy publicly asks China to investigate Joe. WorldNews turns into a completely shit show.

82  2019-10-03 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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I'm pretty close to telling my pops that I'm not visiting again unless he either tells me he's not voting for Trump and doesn't or lies to me and just says he won't. At the least he's going to have to lie to me if we're going to have a relationship. Trump is an existential threat to the world. I feel like it's appropriate to leverage the means I have to let people know who have enabled him that it's not okay.


The fat orange dotard, even though he sits in the oval office, does not represent all of us. A solid 2/3rds of us are either furious and have been getting more disgusted as this mockery of a presidency continues, or were centrists and were undecided to start with and now are seeing the truth play out in obvious gory ways. The hardcore trumpites are a minority, unfortunately they are vocal and appear to embrace disinformation just like their cult leader.


Libs should be delighted that trump is embarrassing himself on the world stage, that should make him easier to unseat when the election comes, right? r-right?

It certainly made it much easier for them to apologize to foreigners.

The fat orange dotard? Daddy plays dota?

orange man bad

Haha funeee he said orange man bad!đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź

yes the joke is due to the appropriate context thank you

Libs should be delighted that one person could make their entire country an embarrassment? Na, losing respect around the world, tip toeing to try to drop sanctions on Russian oligarchs, and letting the world know that they can't trust what we are going to do in 4 years is sad.

no one trusted america to begin with lmaoooo

“I’m not saying Trump never did anything wrong,” he added, according to the Post, “but there are other people who did things wrong, too.” -- Rudy Giuliani

Well, that's one hell of an argument there, Rudy.

The left complaining about whataboutism is just as funny as the right complaining about whataboutism.

Literally "but what about other people"


That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


  1. Dementia daddy publicly asks China ... -,,

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Is reddit going to be anti-china now? That'll be a rude awakening for them.

Hasn’t it been anti China for a while?

The fuck have you been? Reddits been spammed with anti-china stuff for a while, especially since the Hong Kong protests.

I can’t wait until 2024 so we can stop talking about trump every single fucking day

Good news: you probably won't have to wait until 2024! The end is looking ever more likely to come about four or five years earlier than that.

"Any day now....!"

Oh wow asking a foreign country to look into corruption of former world leaders is so illegal and violates the constitution somehow!

Pretty sure asking foreign aid to fuck over your political opponent goes under that.

Oh ya the CIA (((whistle blower))) who over heard he did it from a friend. Oh but muh conspiracy is true bc rachel Maddow talked about it!

Who’s joe?

TDS is in full effect there.

This is about as sincere as “Trump asked Putin to hack Hillary’s Server!!!”