DDF tells the truth

141  2019-10-03 by The_Reason_Pete_Wins


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That's so pathetic that it's actually funny. Imagine being this feeble-minded.

Because if you're not a winner, you're a loser. Easy as that.

And if you're a loser, better to be a loser that goes down with the ship. More honor that way.

It's like sports team. You support your team no matter what, win or lose. That's the mentality of politics now.

If you aren’t first your last Ricky Bobby

>You support your team no matter what

Lmao anyone that knows lifelong diehard fans that aren’t patriots fans knows that’s horrible

My best friend would probably be happier if he were a heroin addict as opposed to a fan of the Vikings and dodgers

I mean imagine being a bills fan when they lost FOUR Super Bowls in a row. All it brings is heartbreak

Now imagine being a Dolphins fan born any time in the last 50 years 😂😂😂

Eh they’re still the only team with a perfect season and knowing sports fans, they can coast on that for a century

You should see the stadium this year lmao

The people of Miami are not known for their loyalty in bad times.

Lol wrong

My impression of the Dolphins is based entirely on Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.

Or San Jose Sharks fan

What is that? Hockey?

Ya, it’s either playoff heartbreaks or failure. Back when they were in Oakland the only reason people went to see them was to watch them beat the shit out of each other because that’s all they were good for

Hockey, team has been through the finals and lost at the end so much and their fans think every year is the year

Ah ok. I don't know the first thing about hockey

I don't either, just knew people who were into it and every year they were let down. Eventually you should just find something new

Why do you think they're tanking for TUA?

Watch them not even get Tua. Several other teams are bad this year so the 1st pick is far from guaranteed for the fins.

True, but the Bengals are the only real threat to take a QB. Herbert would still be a good consolation prize. He just isn't a generational talent

Im a dolphins fan. And a Vol. and a Rays fan which is probably my only form of light so far but thats only until we get swept against the astros. Basically i have my lightning. And then they got swept in the first round by a bunch of color challenged wasps. Fuck me


My sincerest apologies. They're really just the icing on the shit cake.

I showed up to GaSt an hour early drunk as fuck singing rocky top with the band warmups. I was sober by the half. God i was happy. Ill be real if we start JG into MissSt and we lose this fanbase might start burning things again.

Thank you for the sympathy. Its welcome


He deserves worse

If only rightoids had that much self awareness.

If you look at his profile it becomes very clear it's a leftoid trolling.😂

absolutely based, trolling by being upfront and honest with people for once

Honesty and sincerity are underrated trolling strategies.

Faking sincerity though? That’s when you have it made.

I've attached my entire worldview to this man and I am going down with the ship.

I am baffled by this notion. Why on earth would you ever do this? Given all the things to think about, believe and understand, why chain yourself to one? Let alone orange man. There are so many things you can learn, and you can change your mind every day, constantly evaluating new experiences and information. Extending the ship metaphor - it's like if you had a perfectly good motor boat, took it out into a harbor and climbed into another boat that's in the process of sinking and chained yourself to it.

Let us consult the sacred texts. Surely there is something which will provide insight. And here it is:

  1. It is true that some individuals seem to have little need for autonomy. Either their drive for power is weak or they satisfy it by identifying themselves with some powerful organization to which they belong.

I think this might be at the root of why there's so much leftoid infighting as opposed to rightoid. The rightoid is willing to use the success of rightoid leadership as their surrogate activity for the power process, which is why they will band together on people like Trump, and why they are so willing to ignore closely held beliefs - Trump is hardly a model of Christian behavior, but he's heralded as nearly the next coming of christ by fundamentalist groups. Even though Trump is not going to ban abortions, or force school children to convert at gunpoint, they're willing to say they've won.

The leftoid on the other hand, does not do this to such a severe degree. The leftoid relies on coercing those around them to adhere to their beliefs, which is why when they encounter other leftoids who won't submit to such coercion, it always turns into such a huge fight. Or those DSA subversion stories that turn into shit throwing fights that forces everyone to leave but the nutjobs and vapid bootlickers.

Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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settle down, pizza

Eh. It looked shorter when I was writing it up in vim. Guess it got a little out of hand.

Never pass up an opportunity to show that Uncle Ted was right though.


Oh wow look, we got ourselves a really l33t hAx0r here. 🙄

Virgin vimcels vs. chad Emacs

you had me at "vim" 😍

Carry on.

rofl vim

It’s a leftoid troll

That doesn't mean it's wrong.

That sub seems to be “Ask Trump Supporters” and then get replies from smarmy non-trump supporters.

Stage 1 cancer compared to r/politics which is stage 7

Funnier than everything on r/politicalhumor

I think it's time to recognize Daddy lovers for what they are - members of the LGBT community. Think about it, the similarities are striking:

  • in love with someone who's taboo, who they "naturally" should not love

  • shamed, denied services in restaurants, physically and verbally attacked for expressing their love in public (like with a MAGA hat)

  • it's safe to say it's not a choice, their brain has just been (re)wired that way (by fent)

It's time to add another T to LGBTQ - LGBTQT.

tfw when no LGBT-QTpi

/r/drama was part of my shift rightward. There are a lot of rightoids in there doing the lords work, showing people to the light. Ironic rightoid posting can still red-pill people. And good drama is still good drama, whether it's chapotards sperging out over ableism in the revolution or the Donald Defense Force sperging out about NPCs. Drama is one of the few places where actual fascists and actual leftists clash on a daily basis, and it's pretty entertaining.

I'm currently banned for circumventing the custom subreddit style at /r/drama though.


  1. DDF tells the truth - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Isn't it a shame that in current year anything resembling genuine discourse ends up being a bad actor or a troll.

That they're a cult?

It's really fun to see them finally being honest about it.

The account doesn't have any history babe, its not genuine.

This is someone having a good time.


Quick! Call the jannies!

Only because rightoids don't have the courage to be this honest.

If this was a real post they probably would have used the gamer word instead of punctuation marks.

At this moment the room he was in shattered and he found himself under a blue sky surrounded by reddit mods clapping and saying “congratulations” over and over again.

I only show the support I do for drunpf bc I really really really hate the CIA, FBI, NSA, DNC, RNC etc etc. They are mostly unelected-unaccountable bureaucrats that answer to no one and don’t appear to even be useful at their tasked functions.

<disclaimer> this post is for novelty purposes and doesn’t truly express the opinions/views of myself or anyone I know

Based and woke to the praetorian guard question

I’m actually pretty woke

This level of self awareness is actually pretty impressive. I wish Bernouts and others were willing to do the same amount of introspection.

It’s so nice finally watching zoomers climb aboard the Biden Bus