Mastadon social media network publishes a list of banned sites there's a quick way to find the juicy shit.

60  2019-10-03 by SandorClegane_AMA


Nazi pony fucker

Well that's not how I expected to start my morning but here I am

rip josh doesn't even go anywhere.

Fucking liar

Wtf is even that anyways?

LGBT defense force reported that domain to its registrar and they closed it.

Finally, some of that good shit.

Also, I have never said I hate white men, quite contrary, I like them as long asthey recognize and acknowledge their place in the world: that is, under the foot of a black man, same goes for all you cucks. The true evil in this world is /r/SubredditDrama, which is my only enemy. Hitler was an animal rights advocate, and I quite like animals too, so I have nothing against white people per ce, just don't think rapid babboons should be running on the streets among people, smh. Once the /r/SubredditDrama cancer is gone and social order is restored, we can live in harmony with the subhumans, they in their lard, and we in our cities.


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This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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So much for decentralization; wasn't that the appeal of Mastodon anyway?

this is decentralised. descentralised servers decide who to federate with.

I think it is decentralised bans tho - different parts don't have to allow other parts in. Never used it.

It’s a great sludge metal band.

They aren't actually taking them down, just seething that their project actually worked.


What is Mastadon anyway? Is it better than Reddit?

It’s a Twitter clone - “microblogging”

There are a number of people working on Reddit alternatives and federated forums / thread aggregators but for the most part they’re all going nowhere.

It's where all the loli is now.