Journalists S E E T H I N G

41  2019-10-04 by MikeStoklasaBackup


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. Journalists S E E T H I N G -,

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that joker pepe is fugly. coulda been better

Volcel if you wouldn't

you’re broken

yes and

you can’t just say “volcel if you wouldn’t” in every situation

Yes I can


Volcel if you can't

I don’t watch capeshit but was this movie genuinely bad, or do sjws ‘journalists’ just dislike it because it’s offensive 🤔


It's Capeshit but also the journos hate the idea of a joker movie.

I heard it was good but nothing special

It was good. The New Yorker review talked about black people for half the review then contrasted ithr movie against the ‘rich world building’ and ‘brave politics’ of black panther.

Does the joker hate darkies or something 🤔

No not at all. Some are portarayed not as saints but so is almost everyone else in the film.if anything Inactually think this movie is written by a crypto commie as there are heavy themes of class violence. It’s more stupidpol the /pol/

That review was horrendous. The reviewer kept talking about how the race politics of the movie was apparently ambigious, while failing to understand that it was just a colour blind approach the whole time. Journalist-cide cannot come soon enough.

fuck off with this capeshit


Liking, defending or promoting capeshit is not okay under any circumstance - liking it to own the libs is still wrong.


Sweaty, I only get off on other people's dick being inside of me, not my own dick being inside of me, so no dilation is required.


Of course The Guardian gave it two stars. The reviewer probably didn't even see the film.

That's not even the hottest take.

After it won in Venice The Guardian were creaming a 4/5 stars at it. Now it's only two. Lololololololol, these people are twits.

Btw, if you check out review scores for like 15 min, you'll find out that non usa reviewers are taking this movie in quite a bit more positive note than american ones.

Are you surprised? The lone gunman incel is pretty much a United States problem. It’s like how the Dutch are less likely to be offended by blackface than their US counterparts. Cultural context matters.

Journos aren't people

OK, I'm out of the loop. Why is the regressive left so upset about this joker movie?

Because the movie dares to say that a white man can have problems. It's mainly white people (foids 🤮) who have a problem with this. As a curry-cel, I don't care.