The free press argues against free speech, getting ratio’d

163  2019-10-04 by unrulyfarmhand


You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


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Opinion piece by literally who?

Some nerd who needs to get his head dunked in a toilet

You can tell this dude was bullied but not bullied enough

I feel like oscar shindler, but lamenting about the people that went unbullied.


He’s also getting ratio’d on his own post

smdh he doesn't even list his pronouns in his bio,

The media is an absolute joke these days. Journalists used to risk their lives or freedom exposing corruption. Now they write opinion pieces on how the government should take action against unemployed gamers expressing illicit opinions.

Kinda seems like they’re begging to be assaulted over their articles so they can claim victim status and get a bit of sympathy.

They're asking for it

Nah they want to silence alternative media like always for their own self-interest. The public media in Sweden was vehemently against private radio and tv channels as they claimed it to be danger against the people.

Now the old media is clashing against the new media. The old media now tries to use the government to censor the new media by proclaiming it to be "dangerous".

This is not a journalist retard it's an opinion piece Christ you idiots are stupid

Just because you're media is 100% opinion doesn't mean all news organizations don't bother to make the distinction anymore retard, rightists are lower than dogs

Literally written by a journalist


when you try to pull a 'no u' by attempting to co-opt the other sides terminology but it just ends up making you sound like a retard


I don't give a single shit about a single believer in the world, they're a spent force. Identity Christianity, which is really more like white nationalism, is a thousand times the threat to civilization than every religious terrorist and fundamentalist in the entire world put together.

Just a reminder that since we're playing this hasn't of collective responsibility of the entire culture associated with a religion (regardless of if you're an atheist, that doesn't matter anymore), Christian culture literally did the holocaust. The collective sin of every Muslim in history doesn't even come close, and that just one thing, man, we still have a lot more to count from this civilized and rational civilization here that's so much better than everybody don't we.

But we are made to roll our eyes when colonialism and the holocaust are mentioned, geez, that was like decades ago, can you, like, get over it already? But the Islamic empire taking Spain from the Visigoths a thousand years ago, man that's real shit isn't it. The holy occident has been penetrated, oh dear, nooooooooooooo, not muh occident. Must conquer and dominate the entire world forever so that I can finally feel safe and comfy.

The Watermak clone is malfunctioning. We might need to put this one out to pasture and break another one out of the birthing chamber.

Umayyad looks like it should sound like a southern hock saying umad, which you definitely are because you can't quite hit the watermark tone.


This is an opinion piece published by the Timers but written a New Yorker staffer with a book coming out.

Not even a journalist, just a sanctimonious blowhard.

He’s not a journalist, he just writes articles for the New Yorker!

Cmon man lmao

You’re not even a real journalism.

That’s right.

thanks Billie

Can we get a Neo liberal in here for an ‘akshually this isn’t a bad take’ type of opinion.

Paging professorshillphd

Buzzfeed News The NYT is a credible publication. Just because they share a platform with Buzzfeed NYT Opinions section, doesnt mean their validity is jeopardized. Buzzfeed News NYT won many awards for their journalism, including a Pulitzer, and should therefore be considered a valid source, without having its reputation tarnished by sharing a platform with the rest of Buzzfeed published Opinion pieces

Lmao that’s exactly what he would have posted 🤔

free speech was a mistake

Agreed people keep saying things I don’t agree with or like and that’s wrong

this but unironically

My hope is that leftoids get the first amendment repealed just in time for the next incarnation of Trump to be elected, and everyone who's ever used the term "white privilege" unironically is rounded up and fed to dogs.

How about "Power Dynamics"?

I know it's an opinion piece, but at this point, does the news media have any credibility left? We unironically need to invade another country so that they have something legitimate material to talk about as opposed to this unrelenting tide of agenda posts and propaganda.

I think a lot of them are so unhinged because they've realised that everyone fucking hates them.

It’s opinion but it’s not an uncommon opinion among journalist circles

Do journalists not realize that the first Amendment is all that protects them from Trump having them all jailed for libel? It's like Sarah Silverman being against free speech: without free speech, she'd be arrested and put in prison on obscenity charges.

And that's a good thing

”this guy with a frog avatar keeps callin me a dork on twitter, maybe free speech isn’t that great.”

You say that, but guaranteed day 2 of invasion there's a headline story about a Yemeni tyranny that died as a result of the invasion and just what this war means for all trans middle easterners. It's followed up on page 2 with an article about how incel culture, the Joker and American militarism intersect.


Let's invade new York.

How about we give it to Canada instead?

Let them deal with that shit.

I hate the leafs but even I don’t hate them that much

I would throw in New Jersey just to really stick it to them.

There is a direct relationship between

demands by Left to prohibit, ban, remove and censor shit


young males rebelling just because it is prohibited, removed or censored

Ted K. said

Oversocialization can lead to low self-esteem, a sense of powerlessness, defeatism, guilt, etc. One of the most important means by which our society socializes children is by making them feel ashamed of behavior or speech that is contrary to society’s expectations. If this is overdone, or if a particular child is especially susceptible to such feelings, he ends by feeling ashamed of HIMSELF.

It's just NY Times doing its part predicted over 40 years ago.

What sort of nazi shit is this pollack

Just because you're country has bowed to Nazism doesn't mean the whole world has

Congrats on having nothing but state media in your shit hole spitting lies to you about non existent immigrants to forever earn your submission

this pollack

That's not something a leftie would say. 🙄 Also you wrote out the name of a fish.

david pollack uses the glory holes in Coates Hall

How do you say these horrible things about Saint Ted.

In your case, cloud is prepared to break a wow of silence.

Oversocialization can lead to low self-esteem, a sense of powerlessness, defeatism, guilt, etc.

Yeah we all remember him dude

RIP, gone 2 soon

Uncle Ted literally predicted the glut of school shootings, or leftoid violence, that we see in the world today, and they called him a fucking madman.

He's part of the tribe isn't he

Oh god the way he writes makes me want to bully a small child.

“my formative Jewish experiences had nothing to do with the Talmud, and everything to do with Barry Levinson movies and skiing on Christmas.”

They love to mention Christmas. An almost universal holiday that non Christians enjoy as well, but jews spend the day tweeting about how good chinese food is. cope.

It's ratiod

Everyone ignored this retard there is hardly even a response to this opinion piece

And while right wing media makes no distinction between opinion and news that isn't the case with all media outlets, just because you're 100% garbage doesn't mean it all is. It's the NYT literally advocating the position of every Ross Douthat piece of right wing garbage it publishes? Or Bari Weiss opinion piece? Somehow you ignore that shit. But when an opinion piece is published that confirms to your preconceived notions of what the libtard media is, suddenly that's their official position. Fucking ignorant retard fuck you for being stupider than the NYT somehow and making me defend them.

Look at that fucking soyboy.

If we wanted to use censorship to suppress violence, the first thing to do would be banning the press from reporting on mass shootings. I wonder if the author of this would support that? 🤔🤔🤔

People who whine about free speech just want to use the N-word without getting in trouble. CMV

Imagine getting in trouble for saying nigger

Chapo check

0 of Wraith_GraveSpell's last 998 comments (0.0%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse.

Move along, citizen.

how dare you. I'm saddened you'd assume an innocent nazbol is associated with that troupe of unemployed hooligans

You, sir, downvoted me!

You deserve to be downvoted for chapo checking an innocent. You can get your upvotes by checking me 😊

Chapo check

46 of serialflamingo's last 999 comments (4.6%) are in /r/ChapoTrapHouse. Their last comment there was on Sep. 29, 2019. Their total comment karma from /r/ChapoTrapHouse is 196.

adjusts police belt and aviator glasses, wipes the donut glaze from my mustache

Hey there, sport. Now I know you’re a zoomer and all but do you know how fast you were going back there? I may be old and wizened but I know a tide pod abuser when I see one. Is it alright if I take a peek around in your trunk?

This is extremely gay.


Thanks, I wanted to see how viral my load was. Not quite undetectable yet 😔

Go on Cum Town.

I want us to get through this madness but it's getting so hard to suppress my desire to just let this morons burn down all their liberties and then watch in horror as an actual fascist comes to power and they have no weapons left to turn to. Their screams will be unheard, after all they're noxious. They'll reach for a gun that was confiscated and in the end they'll submit, but they'll never admit it was their own fault.

Why does reading too many of these privilege guilt trip articles make people end up writing violent fan fictions

Unironically we need accelerationsm.

Undermining freedom of speech to spite edgy internet nazis is like bulldozing the structural supports of your building to remove graffiti from them.

This slope is so slippery that I almost slipped all over its slipperiness

Imagine having an incredible level of freedom of thought and speech and using it to argue for the curtailment and abolishment of that freedom. As if outfits like the NYT wouldn't be the first on the chopping block.