I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.
When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.
The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.
I literally can’t tell if this is satire or real. Also thank god they offer the two payments option on the colossal $19.95 sales price. Can you imagine being in the collections department for Trumpy Bear?
1 SnapshillBot 2019-10-04
I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.
When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.
The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 byobombs 2019-10-04
I literally can’t tell if this is satire or real. Also thank god they offer the two payments option on the colossal $19.95 sales price. Can you imagine being in the collections department for Trumpy Bear?
1 MG87 2019-10-04
It's real and it goes for $60 on Amazon
1 Kat_B0T 2019-10-04
My sisters got my dad one as a condescending/ironic gift. Thing creeps me out when I go to visit.
1 TrailerParkRide 2019-10-04
It has the perviest face. I feel like it's fucking me with it's eyes.
1 capthazelwoodsflask 2019-10-04
I'm willing to bet that's way more common than it should be.
1 insicknessanddeath 2019-10-04
It's "two payments of 19.95" ie $40
1 cochnbahls 2019-10-04
My daughter has one. Some friends of ours gave it to her
1 DinoHL 2019-10-04
at least it isn't a plant
1 MG87 2019-10-04
I honestly think that's just as bad if not worse
1 TrailerParkRide 2019-10-04
Holy shit, I had one of these! It didn't grow very well.
1 wellhellotherefellas 2019-10-04
1 TrailerParkRide 2019-10-04
What's the likelihood that Trumpy Bear is made in China?
1 automatic_cluck 2019-10-04
Is it the Bear from Masha and the Bear?