It's real schizoposting hours

59  2019-10-04 by XhotwheelsloverX


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Am I hear for your pleasure? Fuck off with your demands and learn how to converse like a human.


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. It's real schizoposting hours -,,

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tfw a Klingon bull will never spin your bussy on his plasma cannon and centrifugally extract every last residual atom of Au from your body

I mean he's right though

Isn't that the plot of cowboy vs aliens?

That movie was exactly what it said it was going to be and I loved it

That sub is pretty wild its always fun to see them try and wrap their heads around how they are anti establishment but pro daddy.

Usually goes like this : daddy bad, obama did bad though, everything is bad lets jerk each other off.

Based. I bet those people that want to go back to the gold standard are plants too.