r/AskReddit goes whale hunting 🐳🐳

91  2019-10-05 by Ghdust2


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Take a look at the third mod's post history. jfc these people are disgusting.

that is one of the saddest and disgusting things i’ve ever seen

I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


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That's gotta be the best fetish to have in America. Literally everyone is fat as fuck.

It really is a top tier fetish if you knew what you were doing you could date a new fatass person every decade or so as they inevitably eat themselves to death. Reverse golddiggin would be really easy.

We’re so fat we have subs for fat animals


I also have a fat "fetish" when I'm desperate

That’s the only time anyone has a fat fetish.

Like just cuz I’m not into furries, doesn’t mean I go find a furries sub and comment about how there’s all gross and have mental illnesses.

We ought to have a draft where you do at least a 9-month tour going into furry subs and commenting about them being gross and mentally ill before you can become a citizen.

Selective service should draft all 25 year olds for 90 days of bullying duty. Everyone under the age of 40 will be bullied commensurate with the amount of bullying they would have expected to receive in a decent and normal society.

imagine how much tougher/stern people would be if a one month tour of 4chan was required before venturing outside of facebook.

Fat fetishists compete with furries on the first place of peak degeneracy.

If you live in US fat fetishism is just COPE.

Personal plug for r/KaarasNest, if anyone wants a go :>

Oh wow, it turns out that you're that kind of furry??? Utterly shocking that someone like you is allowed on the r/drama mod team! 😲😲😲

What's the matter babycakes? :v

Good stuff! A small tip (no pun intended) don't make the dick look like it's been skinned. It should look like it's part of the bodyowo


🤢 Imagine 🤢 The 🤢 Smell 🤢

Cigarettes, fast food, and BO.

Lol of course they have a 'gaming' chair 🤣

🤮 Fat fetish is worse than a scat fetish.

How can incels exist in the same world as women who will eat themselves into disability and early death for some disgusting fat fetishist? How bad are incels that this is a better option?


Ah, so thats who is getting my tax funded healthcare

This is why Socialized medicine wouldn't work in the US without concentration weight-loss camps for fat people.

Free healthcare, but only for conditions not caused by poor lifestyle choices. Literally no downsides.

That's like 95% of conditions not covered. Hell yeah

everybody has their own thing, and you can't shame them for that.


It's gotten to this point because of the lack of shame, shame needs to make a comback

Leftists don’t experience disgust. So they don’t find this shit degenerate and won’t feel shame.