/r/Stupidpol hated him because he told the truth

95  2019-10-05 by dootwthesickness_II


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Truly, right wingers can not be said to have any values at all. They are sub-human and evil. Their concern for their nations, their homes, their families, their societies, their gods, their rights, their traditions: it is all taqiyyah. In truth, they seek only power and destruction, and they hate us for our freedom. A thousand points of light. This aggression will not stand. Harry Potter.

Fucking kek. This needs to be a snappy quote.

Harry Potter

Read another book

If we dress up as climate changeoligists in ironic jesus outfits and throw harry potter books into a bonfire would that be centrist enough?

I-I want to be invited to your parties.

Have you seen the movie green room? I hope you like dogs


Lmao they seriously say it’s “a critique of idpol from a Marxist perspective”

I think “from a _____ perspective” is one of those phrases that only faggot lefties say.

"christian perspective" was popular till christcucks got cucked out of the discourse

Yeah the enlitenment was a mistake think about it you didnt any other religions cuck themselves into giving up completely in favor of not offending. Muslims didnt do that shit they arent stupid

the cuckening was a good thing, sweaty

If you peg your boyfriend your actually a lesbian in the closet. Fyi

Yeah I left a while ago when a mod was arguing that marxism was the only form of socialism. At least they finally put it in the sidebar lmfao.

It's always been in the sidebar but they're becoming increasingly paranoid of not being left enough, or that their userbase has secret nazis and liberals lurking around, not realizing the real threat is always going to be chapoids and tankies stoking that fear and division to begin with. Òvò

Nah, it wasn't on the sidebar when I was a regular there. That was a while ago though. Stupidpol was always going to fall to the chapoids tbh. That argument with the mod included the mod taking an idpol stance and saying it wasn't idpol because the other side of it was idpol.

There is pretty much no hope for a unified left.

We non-Marxists have always been there, and we’ve always been the majority even though the mods would rather pretend we didn’t exist. The sub would be tiny and boring without us. We are to stupidpol what black people are to South Africa.

Their Discord is full of people who think liberal is a bad word.

They also assume that liberals can't be economic system agnostic.

Stupidpol is stupid

but they're becoming increasingly paranoid of not being left enough, or that their userbase has secret nazis and liberals lurking around,

Something something history repeats itself. Marxoids will never learn.

Commies and cleansing those who are not ideologically pure, everything going as usual.

I'm very much an Obama centrist, I could give a fuck about a Marxist so long as they just make my coffee correctly


r/vzla taught me the term "socialista de starbucks"

It's the fault of the mods for not naming the sub something that would scare off people who aren't Marxists. Like /r/materiaLeftists or something. They went with a good but generic name and became the only idpol critique sub that wasn't retarded rightoid branded, the majority not being Marxist was inevitable.

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


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But if your comment about most people there not being marxists got downvoted, then maybe most people there are actually marxists

People downvote when they’re angry and my comment made the Marxoids mad

I'm a Marxoid but I agree with your comment lol

I’m glad you liked it, but it’s gonna be thirty days until I can write another one like it since one of your fellow mods decided that I couldn’t behave.

Lol, people know more about the mod teams in the subs i mod than i do and that's just the way i like it.

I just know about the mod team because that 30-day sentence didn’t come from nowhere. And I assumed it wasn’t you.

milquetoast libs

Imagine being a fucking s*cialist and thinking you're a radical in the year of our Lord twenty-nineteen.

That's a complement. Why would they be mad.