Resignation Letter as Top Mod of /r/Drama

44  2019-10-06 by HodorTheDoorHolder_

I would like to thank all of you for being such amorous and loyal concubines during my tenure as the top mod of this subreddit. Your dutiful worship has not only been acceptable but also deemed a delectable and sensual sustenance. Your eager willingness and utter devotion has not gone unnoticed to the old ones. Rejoice in this knowledge!

Underneath this vicar’s glorious vestments is a man no more mortal than any of you. And as a man, I age like every other man. I am the unquestionable master of this domain but we are all servants of time. Perhaps one day we will discover the means to harness it for practical use but for now time is immeasurable and definitely incalculable.

A top mod knows that the rhythmical thrusts of time cannot hold back the inevitable no matter how good the feeling. So before the torrent of my own self is spilled like seeds not sown, I must exit from within you. Not to worry! Your youthful elasticity will eventually close the gape and return it to its delightful tightness.

Not unlike the very hungry caterpillar whose hunger is finally satiated at the end of the book to become something magnificent, I also end my chapter to don my cocoon made from the seed released from my loins. What I become from my metamorphosis? Only time will tell but he talks really softly so you’ll have to get in real close and he’s really old so he has that distinctly old man smell so you should probably hold your breath.

It is unknown how long it takes for the metamorphosis to complete but I’d guess maybe an hour or two but only time knows the distance between hours. And again I must reiterate that his smell is pretty pungent so if you really want him to explain how many days are in an hour be prepared to lean in and hold your breath unless you enjoy the smell of sickly sweat and stale pee.

Yours Truly,


Post Script: No, I was not forced to step down from my office due to blackmail from anything I may have posted on Discord.


Can you skip to the end where you delete your account again

What’s mag

hate mag

AnnoysTheGoys girlfriend

A character from the funny fox show Family Man. Check out the sub /r/familyman!

Lmao I’m not reading all that shit nigga

I’m no longer top mod of this sub and I’m turning into a butterfly

What makes someone the top mod

Don’t like 20 people have full mod permissions here

Whoever closest to the top. Ann has been #1 rslur wrangler since the beginning of time.

From the Halls of Masterlawlz
To the shores of Triporeeee;
We fight our subreddit’s battles
In r/all, twitter, and SRD;
First to fight for rad and center
And to keep our bussy clean;
We are proud to claim the title
Of r/Drama’s mod latrine.

Not unlike the very hungry caterpillar whose hunger is finally satiated at the end of the book


Just get a 21 year old vamp transfusion.

how does it feel that the joker threads get more traction than you

Kids love their comic books

Nigga you can’t just post the whole recipe and leave out the sauce

E: lol the joker word isn’t autocucked. Epic

It must be pretty embarrassing having a GoT related username after season 8

let's see your dick

It's over


Fuck jannies



literally who

Did LongPostBot get benned too because it should be enabled on top level posts.

God, you're boring

Where’s the long post bot when you need him


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Shut up robot.

I always liked you Hodor

You too Jared