Masterlawlz struggling to make a new sticky but enjoying the affirmation he gets from this sub of degenerates.

55  2019-10-06 by SandorClegane_AMA


You’re rslured and this is actually pretty sweet.

The content is horrible but seeing Lawlz so happy is the real reason I endure.

Aw I'm proud of him

Without the two post reply notifications from the archive bots, you forget you posted in this sub.

Sad state of affairs.

I cant tell whats more sad you searching youtube for rtard or the rtard

That guy is 100% cognitively capable.

Does this count as a dox?

Don't joke about doxx on reddit in <CURRENT_YEAR>.

Ask me how I know - OK - a guy got suspended on the only sane Thrones subreddit on R'hllor's cursed earth:


for a Freefolk version of the Navy Seal copypasta.

How I know?

Touché, Mr. Wilde.

I have the high res pic but no one is getting it.

I saw it once and I have spent the rest of my life trying to unsee it. Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter. The uproarious laughter between the two, and their having fun at my expense.