Top 10 Tragic Anime Endings

375  2019-10-07 by BasicallyADoctor


They fucking got her. It's the beginning of the end, lads. Hold on to your bussy.

Devastating. Tell her I said dude bussy lmao one more time basad 😔

Can't get on modchat until tomorrow. Stay strong trappy and JC 🙏😢

Tfw not banned for screen shot



Based and turfpilled

Don’t be transphobic, Trappy is one of the good ones.

lol there is literally no such thing

Reported for disrespecting the dead.

Time and place eva, time and place. These are sad n*gga hours in here

Eva_remastered can't handle a world in which even the women have a bigger penis than him.

lol my cock is literally at least double the size of yours

2 times zero is still zero

Think about you little mathematician. 🥃

I'm just gonna throw out here preemptively that I don't consent to you PMing me with your unsolicited underage dick pics for a second time.



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Somebody fix this d*mn bot. I can't even do Ed-style 3-emoji comments.

Um, which words?

Invite us to the discord coward

Wait, you're on the discord? Which one are you?

Everyone has a different username there so I never know who tf I'm talking to, except Tay but I don't really want to talk to him in the first place.

This is what the serial report spammers took from us and the r/AgainstHateSubreddits self appointed reddit police took from us.

Tbh I thought you were banned before reading the post. I thought all the shit stirring earlier somehow got you.

Not yet but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm next. They are sending death threats on throwaways to me now over it.

Who knew shitposting in modmail was such serious business?

Is all this shit really just over you memebanning someone lmao

We banned most of the sub and no one said shit, what's next banning T_D for the same thing?

No, it's about the mass tagger fuckers and their vendetta.

Masstagger was 10 times worse than anything we have.

they have the right advertiser friendly politics tho

What the fuck happens when the admins see that letting masstagger users run everything actually repels “reasonable people”?

Goddamn do I hate them. Snitching little busybodies.

The admins are okay with treating swating but not okay with not taking the internet seriously?


That was a PM sent to me on throwaways. "Anyone could have sent it" will be the excuse.

But they IP trace anybody else smdh

The admins would or will but it's a throwaway. This stuff is the AHS/mass tagggers' whole life so they know to VPN, etc, delete the account soon after perfectly well enough.

Wow I didn't even know people were so wrapped up in this site they couldn't see the disconnect in belonging to a group called AHS and threating swatting and animal harm on people.

I guess that's who the admins want to side with lmao

Long ago when SRS was an actual thing they sent snail mail to the admins physical addresses care of: their kids laying out how they were shitty people for not banning who they wanted banned.

I'm a complete fucking rslure ( haha so funny mods) who never put together AHS is of course the dregs of SRS, my god it all makes sense now never mind.

The ghost of Reddit past

I'm a complete fucking retard who never put together AHS is of course the dregs of SRS, my god it all makes sense now never mind.


Goddamn, they are truly the lowest of all lifeforms.

Internet is serious business mmmmmkay

Watch out, the agenda jannies are gonna clap your ass for harassment before long

I already got temp clapped last time three days ago when trappy did but didn't say. Just got uncucked today so I'm sure I'll be perma'd by morning, just like she was.


Goodbye I'll miss u even though I've never interacted with you.

Eh who knows, it's unpredictable. I may live yet, jc, snappy and trappy might get unbanned and even come back when she is feeling more positive about it.

Or the whole sub could get banned while we sleep tonight. 🤷

Don't get our hopes up

If a non drama powermod engages with you in anyway immediately report them to admins for harassment

Moderating violates the NAP so these are legitimate reports.


Can't say that name. Untouchable right now.

Unironically I know. How they have the admins listening to every word is beyond me.

It's not even that really. It's just spamming reports like crazy. Lots of subs do it guerilla style but they have used their access to the reddit API to automate it and run it like mad 24/7.

They just met their Patreon goal and it went "offline" for a bit to migrate it to a bigger and more powerful server. Scrape reddit, data mine it, report report report via autiomated accounts and foot soldiers until all the baddies go bye bye.

Then hop on the throwaways for doxxing threats and death threats, spiked with actual PI they've managed to data mine from weeks and weeks of constant mining once in a while to spook you good if you're being stubborn.

Then the admins catch up to the reports, quarantine you, ban half your mods for the frailest if nonsense until the fun, lighthearted people like trappy have their spirits crushed and give up.

Which makes comments like this so exasperating. Somehow they can still delude themselves that they are the good guys in all of this. Bullying transwomen is praxis now I guess.

I need to get in the habit of mentioning stuff like how I live in Nebraska with my boyfriend and our three parakeets every once in a while so that they have to sift through to much chaff to find out anything real about me.


Always be

They don't need to scrape the data that much. With sites like and SnoopSnew all that "PI" they get on you is a joke.

Executionbreasts I get

I don’t like it but I get it

But this other bullshit

Which name? You can spell it out or PM me

Nope. It’s similar to the time when gallowboob posted that Netflix thing and we couldn’t say his name for weeks. I said to them, and I quote “There is no way you're real. You've got to be an act.” The only thing I said, suspended for three days for harrasment. Trappy said “who?” That was all, one word. Permadeath.

Just PM me. I won't tell anyone you did.

No way. It would sincerely be my death warrant.

Do it from an alt and then delete the account. Use a VPN strictly for the alt. I can give you my throwaway to use if you like.

Nope. It could possibly be used as a ridiculous excuse to ban or quarantine the entire sub so it’s not just my ass in the line.

Is it really that serious? I can't even know the username? Damn.

It was Drumpf. He was the one who did it.

Fricking orange man

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These people are so incredibly fucking useless.

I made a post kind of poking the bees nest, and they weren’t happy at all

Well they are unhappy people to begin with so it's not that suprising

It’s like a cult over there. This isn’t going to end well.

Wait, what did MassTagger users do?

Shit, thought this was another comment, sorry. That is my best guess, people with grudges against the sub who think we are actual Nazis.


I guarantee this place is 1000x more diverse than the self hating mayo sub that is AHS lol

What pathetic people. Stay based my friend 😢

You did the right thing. I hate dog posters and children.

I was just kidding though, I love pets.

Dogs are fine. Dog posters on the other hand

True. Bunch of annoying kids.

I dunno, I think this is a pretty good dogpost.

I want to report it cause it feels racist. I just can't tell against who.

Don't worry it's r/watchredditdie. The only people they'll ever watch die is themselves, slowly

Naw it's the AHS folks.

Yeah I'm sure no one from that top post of all time on wrd is telling you to kys how foolish of me

Blame whomever you like I suppose. Maybe I sent it to myself to try and slant it against AHS?

Well I blame you, personally, but that's only based on our history of interactions

What did I do?

Let me consult my notes.

  • August 1, 2018, user Nom_Chompy joined Reddit without my express permission

  • October 8, 2019, it's been all downhill from there

Hey I've been here for years before that under different accounts. Maybe you liked my previous incarnations better?

Don't worry the way things are going I'm pretty sure you'll be free of your karmic cycle soon enough


Yeah I'm gonna miss this place too


They're actually my least favorite people on this site. They don't really believe in anything beyond fucking up other people's fun. At least the political radicals have some real conviction.

Goddamnit why can't they just let us post garbage in peace.

Tbh it's a smart move on her part. There are so few bearable subreddits here, and a few of the decent ones have gotten banned over the years. I am not even sure if it is even worth looking for a decent place on reddit anymore. She will be missed either way.

Cumtown is in their sights too and if it goes then I'm 100% out also.

Drama, cumtown, libertarian, etc are all in the next ban Tier after thuh dahnald is banned. I lurk AHS enough to know. Mayos consider users like trappy to be ‘gender traitors’ as ridiculous as that sounds.

Not as ridiculous as the people who unironically post there. Luckily their vendetta will kill off most of the site and leave them with nothing. And that's a good thing.

Yup if anyone wants to be an accelerationist they should become a AHS user and start mass reporting things. Also ratchet up the insanity of what’s deemed offensive/Nazi. When they finally ban T_d before this next election, that’s when the next tier of problematic subs will come into focus. The more people they alienate, the quicker the site goes down and folks migrate for greener pastures

Not only that but society as a whole can start to heal from this maddness. Its infected everything.

I don't think I'd know how to leap farther to the Nazi conclusion than AHS.

greener pastures

Such as?


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Honestly, if we’re safe until The_Cuckold goes, then I’d say we’re pretty damn safe for the next year at least. We’re not even under a quarantine, when it would have been so much easier for the admins to hit us with one instead of writing a code that stopped us from pinging. I think they think they’re trying to protect us from ourselves.

Ya the_donald will be banned at the exact point they feel it’s the most beneficial to the democratic nominee. I’m gonna say like a few weeks prior, it will leave the boomers lost, and without a place to get their memes.

Ironically i think it will drive voters out in droves.

Lol ya it’s obviously not going to change much, but I do think Silicon Valley got together in some way to help sway the election on a grander scale.

Ya the_donald will be banned at the exact point they feel it’s the most beneficial to the democratic nominee

banning t_d isn't going to change anybody's vote. have people actually gone full circle to agreeing with AHS about how things work lol

It's not about how things work, it's about how admins think things work.

2 years ago I would have said there was no chance that a namefag on 8chan could whip boomers up into a mass social movement/cult, and look what happened there.

Jfc imagine thinking the admins are banning shit for political reasons. They’re trying to appeal to their advertisers and stock holders, it’s not rocket science.

by banning right wing things. fucking moron



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LateStageCapitalism, chapo, and adjacent subs are about as advertiser unfriendly as they come considering that the r-tards literally want to dismantle capitalism. None of them have been banned so far.

... if impeachment moves to any milestones, there's a good chance enough internet tough guys will talk about civil war II and / or terrorist actions to get The_Donald banned.

Ya the_donald will be banned at the exact point they feel it’s the most beneficial to the democratic nominee.

Every Democratic nominee except Obama since 1996 has been a fucking joke and you really think they're criminal masterminds?

If they ban t_d before the election the rightoids would have a strong rallying point for political censorship. My prediction is that Orange Man will unfortunately lose the election, t_d will respond with a REE, it'll get banned, then the admins use the ensuing chaos as an opportunity will axe us and the other advertiser unfriendly subs. That's how the last bastions of individual thought on reddit will die. Cap this.

they think they’re trying to protect us from ourselves.

Noble goal tbh

Yeah if drama is done I'm gone. I've been looking for an out for years now. I have wasted way too much time on this website

They can take our pinging, but I can't stand for the loss of our Trappy. This shit has gone too far.

Bussy lovers rise up😫

This means WAR. 😠😠😠

war defined to be entirely within the Reddit content policy.

I get it. She was fun to talk to though. She made me care and want to learn about transshit in GOOD FAITH (👀).

That’s more than any pathetic watchdog sub could have accomplished.

Stfu. That bitch made me like cock 😡

Girldick best dick tbh


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Why are you so obsessed with me?

Even in death our spïcy futa Queen collects cis scalps.

Samesies 😭

Yeah, if she's considered too problematic for this site then anyone could be. There's no point in even trying to follow the rules.

They are going to have a marvelously boring site by the end of this. It will be 75% Disneyshit and pibble posts.

Just what the advertisers ordered. Morons are easier to convince to buy more stupid shit

I remember liking this site because it wasn't a shut fest of random Facebook posts. It was an actual interesting website. Now there's users bring banned and subreddits being banned. It's turning into a terrible website.

She made me care and want to learn about transshit in GOOD FAITH

This but unironically. o7


410,757,864,530 dead jannies

2 based 4 this world 😢

I'll rub one out in her memory

I assume you're reading this, Trappy. Honestly, probably a good idea imo. There's better lives out there than just hanging out online, especially these days. The internet is fucking ruined by corporatism and normies that all take it painfully seriously, the days of the internet being fun seem over. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, myself.

Go out and don't be a loser. You were always a good one, we'll miss you.

The internet is fucking ruined by corporatism and normies that all take it painfully seriously, the days of the internet being fun seem over.

I've been feeling this hard lately. It feels like there's no internet home anymore for early/mid millenials who grew up on the early shitposty wild west web.

Unironically expecting an exodus in the near future as all but the normie-tierest boomers and millenials start getting fed up with the corporate platforms and moving to less restrained ones. Twitter, reddit, instagram, snapchat will start losing a bit of their appeal and coolness and regress towards what Facebook is currently becoming. Save for those platforms that are federated (which will balkanize like we see with Mastodon) or cryptographically dark (Moral panic fodder as we see with Barr and the UK shitting themselves), those will become gradually more corporate, authoritarian and locked down and the cycle will repeat.

Wow nice job from these shitheads from bullying a transwoman off Reddit!! What are they? Fucking transphobes? /r/GenderCritical members?? Huh??

Pick on someone who deserves it like MasterLawlz or any right winged mods!!! 😭

I was waiting for her to update on her bottom surgery recovery 😭 and was wondering why it was taking so long!! These heartless bastards!!

Saruh nooooo! 😭😭😭

I'm watching quatro manos rn.

With how much of a power user circlejerk this place has become maybe it’s a good thing if it gets banned

Bleep bloop 😢

This thread was linked at another place on reddit:

RIP Totes

Didn't <PRONOUN> get suspended before for posting involuntary porn? Which was hilarious because it was pictures of <REFLEXIVE PRONOUN>.

I described it at the time as the admins stepping in for someone who is such a degenerate they cannot help themselves, so that makes it involuntary.

Every time I load r/drama I'm exposed to involuntary pornography of Trappy kneading her baguette

This is some serious bullshit. Trappy, with her based personality, has inspired more compassion in me for trans people and the shit they put up with than any other person. I'm fucking seething over this double/triple/fuckle standard. Please don't leave us trappy.

saurh's posts were pretty inoffensive. what were they even reporting?

Right? I don't even get what she did. The ban message seems like BS they pulled out of their a-slur.

Good riddance but also I'll still smash even though i hate her

Good riddance


Forever in her fanclub 😭😭😭

Dickscord link so I can get my trappy fix?

I always liked Saruh. =[

Imagine trying to ban an entire sub because a mere 15% of the comments there are made by people of a previously banned sub.

They want every subscriber of banned subs collectively permabanned but that's not how community bans work and now they're about 97% as mad as the hoes. So basically they will treat even the pettiest of lurkers who've never even interacted with CA guilty until proven innocent because they're on the same sub as CA users who weren't necessarily even involved in the offences that got CA banned in the first place. It's almost as if they don't know that sub bans are in fact punishment for the moderators for not being able to control their users, rather than the users themselves. Users can act up however they like, and as long as mods react and punish those users in a specific timeframe.

What's stopping users from posting spamming the n-word on default subs? Sure it'll be up for a couple of hours if not minutes, but nothing will happen to the sub, unless, of course, mods ignore it. That's when subs, rather than individuals, get banned. The CA ban had little to do with the vast majority of its users. AHS thinks they really got a sub good when it has thousands of users and they see an edgy comment with 5 upvotes that's hasn't been removed even though it's about 2½ hours old, and all of a sudden, everyone there is racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, and if you were subbed your opinion means nothing when someone tries to label you that way. Even if you reached for the downvote and report buttons as you saw that edgy comment, AHS won't give a shit, they'll start following you too to ban any small sub you touch.

Tomorrow the general population of Reddit will be like "you're defending DeuxRAMA? You participate in it because I've tagged you for it because AHS told me too, that means you're literally a nazi!" despite them never even lurking the sub, and the few that do will cherrypick what they deliver to TMoR and AHS. Prepare for war, information war, AHS psyops is going to be coming in strong. Make sure you secure the following subs: unpopularopinion, trueoffmychest, outoftheloop, and other subs for discussing topics and asking questions that include current events on the platform, which haven't been completely taken over by any certain political orientation. That's where AHS will strike first to gain backing by the average redditor in preparation for unjust operations. If someone acts up there immediately engage in rhetorical combat with them. Make it clear to the audience that we haven't violated anything, that we're not an evasion sub, that we're not purposefully harbouring CA refugees, and that everyone here is here by their own will, and that we are by no means a political threat, online or in real life. If someone asks a question about what's going on, tell them the unbiased truth, and shut down AHS operators providing false information and pretending to be unbiased, because the truth is on our side. Godspeed.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

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So long queen 😭

It’s a horrible day for rain.

when trappy died, my erection died with her :(

Trans women aren't women
