Why user justcool393 and his two bots, TotesMessenger and SnapshillBot were suspended. There's already one case of a fresh hire admin suspending a mod wrongly this week so maybe there is a pattern.

61  2019-10-07 by SandorClegane_AMA


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  1. New admins don't "get" reddit per se.
  2. Some user was exploiting totes messenger bot.
  3. For example, say you were banned from /r/Drama.
  4. Link to a drama post in any other subreddit with the title "Yo, fuck those mods, I dindu nuffin!"
  5. Totes Messenger posts in the drama thread with a copy of the title. Tada! Form of ban-evasion.
  6. New admin banned the author and the bot accounts.
  7. New admin did not ban the guy abusing the bot.

BTW what I refer to in the title is that a mod was suspended for banning a user and not replying to their request for an explanation. "Whoa there newbie! Mods are allowed to treat users with contempt on this site. It's the tiny bit of power that they give us free labour for in exchange."

Lol I used to use totes that way. Not from subs i was banned from mind you.

Lol I used to use totes that way.

u sound like a valley girl

I've been told

There was also that ornery trans lawyer that managed to get herself banned from here (several times even, I even went as far as to use my authority to get her unbanned once) but vainly stuck to her username and communicated via totes for a while.

Most decent posters here do. Half the reason for writing super inflammatory titles is to harass the linked commenter from beyond the fold.

See this here is why any approved submitter status you have should be revoked. This is bad optics comrade. We don't know what we are doing. Our sub is insignificant and does not require scrutiny. The admins have far better things to be doing.


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Look here, cloakshitter. Totes was the last vestige of pinging we had, and without that we have nothing. Imagine Athens without pederasty, Italy without pizza, w[slur] girls without dogs; Drama without pinging is more pointless than a bowling pin.

These are hard times, comrade, but even in the darkest night we can gather around the dumpster fire to share stories of our proud heritage and bask in the warmth and light of what once was. Do not despair, but above all else, do not grovel at the feet of the chadmins like so many r/all normieposters. arrdrama is better than that. You are better than that.

our proud heritage

I think we found a refugee. If you leave this sub and never comeback, I'll spare you the many indignities of being deported by /r/Dramas Immigration and Customs Enforcement dept. and not report you to them.


Thanks! Very OOTL currently.

Don't generalize about our benevolent overlords. The new guy goofed, that's all.

Whatever. So what's the talk about MassTagger users? Seems to be a hot topic on here but I cant find out anything about them.

My hunch - I have no links or proof - is the Trappy thing is unrelated and <PRONOUN> broke new or old rules against harassment dealing with that limp-wristed antifa-on-the-reddit-streets-but-actually-a-recluse-hiding-between-the-sheets lackwit.

So who is PRONOUN and who is the recluse? Is it JC and Baaarrddddfinnnnnn?

Not JC, TS, but that part is just a guess.

admins be like: vibe check

fuck you for making me laugh at this stupid dead meme

Some fuckin zoomer admin dropping the ball