/r/masstagger holds a debate that manages to devolve into literal essayposting

164  2019-10-07 by EasySchmitty


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To the slobbering fat janitors that will undoubtably complain at their subreddit being observed.

This is a warning for you to not engage in conversation in this subreddit or PM. Any attempt doing so will be seen as harassment and will warrant a report to the admins for such offensive action.

Now that the warning has been posted, please resume your duties as “powerful” internet janitors on your subreddits and clean up shit. For free.🤣🤣🤣🤣

To the slobbering fat janitors that will undoubtably complain at their subreddit being observed, please keep your giant dumps in the toilet and out of my replies, if you contact me I will report you to the admins for harassment.


Jannie isn't okay. Isn't okay. Jannie.

You've been hit, you've been struck by, a smooth bussy

It's just all so ... pathetic. So much effort to gain such little value. The power jannie might tell you their life is fine, but no one with friends or hobbies has the time and effort to be a power jannie. Pour one out for the PJs, my friends.

Lmao its honestly hilarious watching them take theirselves seriously on reddit of all places. Seriously who unironically says objection and tries to nitpick every fallacy they think they see?

Highschoolers who just took their first philosophy class.

Highschoolers are more reasonable and levelheaded than this.


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you spend a lot of time around highschoolers, mike?

Just you buddy 😘

Imagine making several citations in all of your Reddit comment replies.

Imagine seeing a citation and immediately believing the argument it presents

Reeeeeeeee are you telling me that logical conclusions based on evidence being presented is the basis of all arguments? Are you also saying that just posting shit and expecting everyone to reach the same conclusion as you is lazy and shows you have the intelligence of a squirrel with very little ability to consider other arguments besides your own?

Reeeeeeee I'm not smart enough to figure out if this is bullying me or not so I'll just report it anyway

I swear to god they went to the pizzashill school for internet arguments. Just post endless walls of meaningless text until the other person just gives up, then count it up as a "win".

Look at that fucking nerd's formatting too.

You can tell he really thinks he's making a difference on the Internet.

the more hilarious thing is that all of his ramblings are just because he's a t-slur and he's seething that all of reddit wont validate his fetish

You should see the unhinged ramblings about r/truelesbians and how they are transphobic for having genital preferences and wanting biological women only spaces. They literally spend 20 hours a day typing these walls of text.

I wonder how much ol Bardie gets paid for those paragraphs?

Zero dollars and no sense


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Why do we never, ever see this kind of rage from ghay transmen who can't find ghay guys who're willing to smash their pussies? Or from straight transmen who can't find straight women who want to perform cunnilingus on them? And why is it so rare to hear these complaints from transwomen who are attracted to men? I know that MTFs outnumber FTMs by like 2 to 1, but 95% (and that's a conservative estimate) of trans anger about genital preferences seems to be coming from transbians who are mad that so few lesbians want to suck a cock.

Because transmen don't do it for attention.


Stalking people online is VERY serious business

There's a well-documented propaganda phenomenon termed The Sinner's Confession

This isn't a thing

-- where the person wishing to platform a set of hateful views, pretends to be coming clean of those views.

Oh so they're just nuts okay

Hate speech is speech that embodies sentiments of sadism, sociopathy, malignant narcissism,


Imagine being so obsessed with hate speech online that you agree to police one of the largest sites on the web (for free), and this rëtærdēd definition of hate speech being the best you can come up with.

This person is an absolute unhinged lunatic that should probably be institutionalized for their own good. This is their unironic answer to why they do what they do. Irony aside, Flagrant and unabashed hypocrisy is their MO, as they report any bit of dissent to drive the people they deem unacceptable from the site with harassing reports that get multiple accounts banned literally every day for bullshit infractions. They think any disagreement with trans people is transphobia, any conservative views are fascist, and anything they consider wrongthink should get your account banned permanently. How this psychopath got any measure of power is beyond my comprehension, as they cant even handle the slightest bit of criticism.

I almost fully expect to be suspended for this btw, because this "person" is clinically insane and I'm sure already complaining to the admins that this thread is "harrassment."

If you could harras someone into quiting reddit then it is the most kind thing you can do to a person.

They wish they could openly be me but they are all deep in the closet.


I've been using r-tarded but I like this better, it's exotic. Arousing even.

Angry laser!!!



In the current year it's basically anything I don't agree with. There's a reason the supreme court unanimously agrees there is no hate speech exception to the first amendment. Could you imagine if there was in this current year plus 4.

That little kitter sounds like a squeaky power drill

I want one of those just to confuse the hell out of my dog.

Is Bearnflip (wrong spelling) responsible for what's happened so far?


What did they do?

The only way they can climax is to report people to the administration.

For doing what?


The most heinous of crimes: asking questions and thinking for themselves.

100%. We all thought noosetit was a horrible, thin skinned, report-abusing hypocrite, but this dude makes him look reasonable by comparison.

Who's noosetit?

Noosetit is a notorious powermod, we just dont say his name anymore. The two words are synonyms of his his name. And MT has gotten several people and subs banned already, and continues to get worse daily.

And MT

You mean NT? Also, yeah, I recognise with particular powermod you're talking about.

BF is becoming low hanging fruit to post here. They've lost their damn mind.

You mean to tell me it's insane to reply to every simple question on the internet with a condescending essay?

I don't know why they need to ban people. They can just put people to sleep with their effete jabbering.

BF is a legit lawyer so arguing like this is their nature. It's insane.

Good lord who would ever hire this looney troon?

Lawyers who don't believe in the bill of rights.... how very grim.

That's a bit of an understatement

It pisses me off a bit on a personal evel. I've known BF a long time on this site and while we never really saw eye-to-eye politically I always had BF was someone I could talk to, debate with, and it would be civil and productive. But this year it feels like BF has gone off the deep end with this crusade they're on. It's disappointing to see someone fall apart.

And I know if they read this they'll say I'm the one that's the problem and that I'm the asshole here.

And I know if they read this they'll say I'm the one that's the problem and that I'm the asshole here.

Absolutely, and report you for harrassment or bullying or some shit. How you could do all these disgusting things and then still act like its justified is beyond me.

I always kept my communication with them public / semi-public. I've never PM'd BF and I won't now.

I'd like to post our conversations but that would get me in trouble with some of the meta/power jannies.

Yes they would absolutely get you suspended if not banned. It's gotten ridiculous lately.

This month seems to be a clear escalation. I know she has a partner, so hopefully someone has an eye on her. That thread where she immediately asks one of the masstagger users their name because they complimented hers is...kind of a red flag to me. Why would a lawyer do that?

They pinged BF. Based off the new harassment rules, pinging someone to shit talk them is harassment and that's why the suspension was handed down.

Aka BF is exploiting the rules to jannie up the site how they see fit.

Buh Buh bean fiddler?

From a quick visit to her post history, it seems like that BF is doing well for herself. This is a different BF

I can definitely post this to bestof with the title, redditor explains hatespeech, and rack up some easy karma and get some free smugposting.

I thought, lol that would be funny and tried, but got this back:

This post has been removed.

For clarity, we request that you delete your post, and re-post it with the user's name in your submission instead of Redditor.

I will not continue since I don't want to give that janny the ability to claim that I username pinged it.

Good idea because they will immediately get you banned.

Yeah the fucking cancer on this site is getting very terminal

For real tho.

You could tell this dude is an insufferable twat before you even got through the first post.

offmychest has a very, very large audience and therefore is a very large platform and amplifier.

Posts that gain traction there, reach the front page, and can reach into mainstream culture off the site.

There's a lot of concern lately about Media manipulation and strategic amplification.

If someone has a large platform and a more-or-less "captive" audience, they have some sort of ethical responsibility to ensure that ethnosupremacist terrorists aren't hijacking it

Responsible people have an ethical responsibility

They do it for free smh.

masstaggers are a bunch of assjannies

That's why as radical centrists we should start supporting opentagger and let these tagcels fight each other.

I would like to know more about opentagger. Do you have a pamphlet or a meeting I can attend?


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Hi there.

Do you hate SJWs? Are you angry because your favourite sub was tagged by masstagger?

Well we've got good news for you!

Introducing... The Opentagger! The latest in s​oy detection technology.

Please visit r/opentagger for more information.

If it seems like I'm effortlessly running circles around you, it's because I happen to have had this kind of discussion hundreds of times before.

you're the one writing novels about how "smart" you are on an internet forum. The only person applying a massive amount of effort here is you.

Posts about r/massfagger should be banned. They’re such easy karma because every thread is a mini drama, like r/AITA.

I’d agree except masstards are actually unhinged and prime drama magnets unlike bait posts on aita

Hate speech is speech that embodies sentiments of sadism, sociopathy, malignant narcissism, and -- to an extent -- Machiavellianism

Just pulled that out of his fucking ass. Then he went on to (poorly) argue the legality of reddit's T&A while that wasn't even being disputed. But it wasn't until the moment he started quoting Aristotle that I realized how far this guy has his stupid head up his gaping asshole.

Participation in that sub should disqualify you for reproduction.

it already does in a less direct way