Computer, what is the appropriate attire for visiting museums?

51  2019-10-08 by Drama_Bridge_Crew

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YTA - Not for not wearing blck, but because of the slightly disrespectful outfit. Jeans and a hoodie is too casual for that setting. I’d say it’s fine if you didn’t wear blck, and instead dark colours, grey, dark blue, dark brown etc, but also semi formal clothing.

Now hold on, Computer.. I was just asking a question. But what about these people?

100% YTA. Your teacher is trying to commemorate the holocaust and you want to complain about what color clothes you're going to have to wear...SMH. 100% YWBTA if you showed up not wearing all bl*ck just because you felt like the color didn't suit you. Suck it up!!! It's just ONE day.

Okay.. I guess I'll have to take a look at Fleet regulations. I will be sending a security detail to question these people.

If the jws can survive the holocaust, you can survive a day wearing blck.

Upload this to our SNAPPY program, Computer.


womp womp


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I don’t think it suits me and I’d have to wear it all day

Bruh. I would say this guarantees bait but teenage femoids exist

Naw, our teacher did the same thing for the school field trip to prison, we weren't allowed to wear certain cloths/colors

I of course forgot about it and just wore my gym cloths with the schools name on it

school field trip to prison

the fuck lmao

Never forget i'm the most burger burger on this board

Lmao I had a school trip to a prison too. #OnlyinBurgerland

Was that career day in your town?

Hahaha!! What school sends their kids on a field trip to prison?? They had such little faith in you that they wanted you to be prepared for your future.

[Mrw anyone shows up not wearing white at a funeral.])

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Sam Hyde warned us and joked about there being a holocaust class in school now, but here it is

Of course TTA, they're a teenager.

Her school still uses chalkboards. Just saying.

This has to bait... No one fucking cares what you're wearing in the Holocaust museum

I can’t read so I don’t know which holocaust museum they’re talking about but if it’s the American holocaust memorial museum, wear whatever you want. I remember in middle school when my class took a field trip down to DC and we had to wear some gaudy neon green hoodies with the school’s logo throughout the museum.


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