Britbongs spend $2.5 million to fight 6 internet trolls lmao

323  2019-10-08 by 211sAndMacallan




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  1. Britbongs spend $2.5 million to fig... -,

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Can you imagine spending $400,000 tracking down some edgelord online just to give them community service?

If youre gonna be a nanny state, at least try to be an economically viable one

Seriously, and as far as I can tell these guys were just being racist and sexist. So they literally spent millions to fight six peoples’ racism lmao

I dont like reading mean things online :( Im glad they helped protect me

Also, at this rate it would take $1,250,000,000 to track down and give community service to all 3000 kkk members in burgerland

To be honest I doubt it was ever a concerted attempt to fight racism online, it's probably just spin to satisfy wokies on twitter

Ffs I could've bought that blimp I've been saving up for with that money and instead it went towards doxxing teenage edgelords.

What an unfair world.

What would've happened if it turned out the guys they were going after weren't even British? Òvò

brb gonna go use racial slurs on .uk sites


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They can't stop virtual Joker.

I bet that's why the number is so low, those were the only workable cases.

Nanny state more like janny state

when your leaders go from controlling the largest empire in human history and ruling the waves to being Twitter jannies

Is there any lower life form than a br*t?

The assorted subspecies of Brits

at least try to be an economically viable one

surely they recouped all these costs issuing trolling loicenses? 💂🤡

What do they count as knife offenses. I bet saying knife on twitter counts for them.

Oi, you been butterin ya biscuit with a knoife? That's a foine of 20 quid mate. Use ya spoon next toime.

Implying they don't deserve it

The biggest empire the world has ever seen reduced to this. Lmao

Imagine not being able to carry a fucking pocket knife legally.

Not being able to stroll down the street smoking pot and drinking Everclear with a suppressed full-auto SBR strapped to my back is a hate crime

You're not wrong buddy. The state I live in legalized permitless concealed carry, so I'll take that

Its not a SBR if I weld the can on!


Oi! Av u gōt a loisense fo that chamomile tea m9?

I actually like chammomile

I feel like it semi helps my anxiety

U soynd loike a blūdy twinkle toes



O BLUDY 'ELL! W8 m8, u göt an arrestin loycense?

Imagine unironically being a bong lmao absolute deathfuel

We owe Britain. They keep making sure to make us look better by being absolutely brain dead

We owe Britain.

Gross, can we throw them out. And we don't need anyone to make America look better because we already look the best

By the grace of everyone else being worse, not by America being good.

It's both actually. America is perfect, and also every other country sucks stinky ass

Based and patriotpilled

I'm only a patriot when I'm awake. And when I'm asleep

Name one thing worth caring about more than America.

Can't. Impossible

So long as we have more guns, more gdp, and more childhood obesity, we're clearly the best. Raising fat kids is just a way to flex on starving third worlders.

America's obesity epidemic is a NASA conspiracy to alter the earth's rotation speed, but I don't yet know to what purpose.

I think you're onto something. Maybe combining the west's obesity epidemic with all the lanklet starving third worlders threw the planet out of balance and sent us shifting a few inches away from the sun in an elaborate plan designed to combat global warming and diminish its effects.

In fact, that's probably exactly what happened.

Imagine unironically being a bong

I can't because I'm a glorious American 🇺🇸🦅

Greatest country on earth

God bless!

Imagine going through the kind of spinelessness you'd need to go through Britain's golden Era of colonization and not end up in any of the way cooler exotic countries and instead stay near the inbred royalty and horrible British "women". These are the people who evolved into the modern bong. All those too stupid, cowardly and useless to make it in the new world.

A little known fact is that the age of British colonialism began as a quest to find women with teeth and ankles

It's over for soutpiels.

Britbong #1: What should we do with this $2.5million? Feed the homeless? Improve science and research? Repair rundown buildings and build homes?"

Britbong #2: Fuck no, dude, we need to police internet trolls for saying mean things on the internets! We can't have these mean words on peoples screens where they can't possibly escape the torture.

Wow I'm glad you suddenly care about feeding the homeless, instead of worshiping your furor as he introduces them into his concentration camps.

Downvoting watermark

The banout in this sub didn't go far enough.

This entire thread is MDEfugee struggle session

Do people still believe Watermark isn't a LARP? I downvote him for his bait game being weak af

Join me in the Cathbol revolution. We can tonsure the rich and redistribute their wealth.

Cathbols don't have the foresite of techno reactionary anarcho primitivists. When will society c*cks learn.


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I don't care about feeding the homeless but I'm also not wasting tax payer's money. You see the difference, you brainlet?




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Imagine if they'd spent that money fighting the Pakistani grooming gangs.

Why would they attack their own people?

British citizens are indeed their own people. Some of your own people can be criminals though, it is not in fact the case that any people in the world are not without criminals, even British citizens.

Oh wait I'm retarded and you were being a racist twat. Sorry.

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British grooming gangs.

How dare you insult the proud immigrants this way. They have an ancient and beautiful culture. How could you equate them with the barbarous brits?

Do you think you’re making the world a better place by pushing your agenda on friggin /r/drama lmao

shut the fuck up boomer

Pedophilia is a bong pastime

The British government wants to be China, though that would require at least some level of competency

They are better off concentrating on capturing weapons caches full of spoons and LEGO guns.

This was the largest empire in history at one point not that long ago

This is from the British conservative government, not Sadiq Khan, although of course racist westerners are going to use the image of the racialized individual using any excuse.

Omg shut up

On one hand, I would like to believe this because it is hilarious, but this is the Sun we're talking about.

I found a few other sources but none are super reputable

I guess we'll take what we can get.

Still had a good laugh.

Holy shit they're the actual internet police.

consequences will never be the same