Blizzard fans crave for that big China business and stand with their favourite brand

1  2019-10-08 by MagicHoudini

I've seen the other thread linking the article from Kotaku, but something far more dramatic is happening in every Blizzard community sub.

Every sub has two factions: the thoughts and prayers crowd, shouting about cancelling Blizz for banning the HK winner and the Bootlicking Blizzcel, that only cares about Blizzard's bottom line for some reason. Many have come out with essay posts about how poor Blizzard can't afford to hurt its shareholders, as seen here:


Wowcel calls everyone caring hypocrites because bananas

Keep your politics out of my favourite brand

"Dude should have just kept his mouth shut and played the game"

Heartstone sub:

many posts and comments about users deleting their acounts, not very dramatic.

One of those gained traction for different reason: a user called GreatKKK on hearthstone makes a grandiose post about leaving HS for good because politics

Did you spend 10k on Heartstone?

People are mad because Blizzard is a business company

in the post about Blizzard's decision

"Before you reach for your pitchforks, (...) any company that wishes to be successful needs to be politically neutral"

"If you break the rules you need to be punished. Doesnt matter how noble your cause is"

Overwatch sub:

"if you're actually riled up about this, please uninstall every blizzard game. That's one less person with a gaping void inside their head in the games to deal with."

Bootlicking is not so bad if it makes your favourite brand money

The blizzard fandom is a strang mix of little children and giant whales, so it's very dramatic all around.


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