User tries defending Heebeejeeby TikToker because ackshually 1 in 8 users are adults sweaty...

26  2019-10-08 by WarSanchez


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On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. User tries defending Heebeejeeby Ti... -,,

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Who is that guy? Is he some pedo?

Achshually He's an adult using TikTok, but same thing.

For real tho what’s the drama

guy touched some kids and a dog "allegedly"

Libertarians ugh

You know they're sketchy when they start breaking out the full legal definition of the word "minor".

If her usernames her real name she’s some small town cop. At least that’s what comes up on google.

"Tiktok is for positivity that's probably why you failed miserably. Because people like you only know how to rip someone apart. Not build them up. Grow up. Ur just a bully."

Caught red handed.

Also: "Have you even looked at the demographics for Tiktok? 1 in 8 adults in the US use the app."

I would wager at least 1 in 8 adults can't tell the difference between left and right without looking at their hands so this isn't exactly helping his case.

Hate to ackshyually you but he said that 1 in 8 adults in the US use the app, that doesn’t necessarily mean that 7/8 of users are minors (even though they are). I’ve been having trouble lately banging my 2 brain cells together but I’m pretty sure he got “1/8 of adults use tiktok” and “1/8 of tiktok users are adults” mixed up.

Sorry, people misinterpreting statistics of any kind makes my autism flare up.

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