I love how confident Daddy is 😍

67  2019-10-08 by Ghdust2


I may be a πŸŽ… white 🏳nationalist πŸ‘ but If 😏 I see 😘 a fine πŸ‘― asian 🍜 ass πŸ‘Œ my bloodline πŸ’¦πŸ’¦ bout to πŸ’†become 🍘 a πŸ™ riceline 🍱


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I am 100% unsurprised that he would pull something like this.

I really hope he gets impeached and removed from office by the Senate just to see how long he can lock himself in the Oval Office for.

Pence has to convince him to leave on live TV

Unironically i think he would probably off himself if something like that happens. I don’t think his ego can take a hit that big.

No way. He's gonna go out like Tony Montana, but with whatever weird future tech shit the Whitehouse has on hand.


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Remember when he said he'd run into a school shooting to stop the attacker? The scenes when Daddy runs out the Mayo House with his finger run yelling "pee pew" and promptly gets yeeted by the FBI

He'll finally come out of the oval office wearing joker face paint with his hair dyed green holding an AR-15 that has "orange men rise up" scribbled on it and start gunning down everyone in sight.

Narcissists rarely off themselves if they can help it, their ego doesn't allow for it.

He'll spin it into something else. Dude is like the embodiment of self-aggrandizement. A little impeachment won't bruise his ego one bit, because he'll remember something else happening.

No way he offs himself. He'll just c

Oh god they'll start calling him the president in exile or some shit and start selling silver memorial coins with his dumb fuckimg haircut engraved on it during fox ad time

It might take a few guys to pick him up, he's 300 pounds of dead weight, even though it is mostly fat

All the Ben Garrisson cartoons depicting him as a swole 30 year old blonde guy say otherwise.

I hope he gets impeached so they can replace him with some cowardly bitch who'll roll over for Chicom.

Ling live the People's Republic! Long live Xi!

Not taking the news well, I see?

Seethe away, you pathetic boomer.😘

Lmao, no surprise you want to be chico's little bitch

Well, I'm looking out for my own self interest, making sure me and my family don't get deported.

Unlike you living vicariously through daddy because you have nothing going for yourself and no accomplishments to speak of.

Lmao, bitch who came to America illegally and clings like a bloated tick to our welfare system tries to talk shit about the accomplishments of a taxpaying citizen.

This is peak clownworld.


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Are y'all still doing that weird ass roleplay where lol world bad because world is clownworld so actually world good?

If you want to dress up in 🀑 suits and act like special ed third graders, go join a friendly gang of Juggalos. I'm sure they'll accept you more than normies have so far.

I also immigrated legally from a european country, came here to go to university, have my green card, work as a data analyst, and pay taxes. But i'm glad glad I was able to bait your gnome looking boomer ass into seething about me being a scary illegal on gasp welfare! It's like clockwork πŸ˜‚


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Lmao, nice larp/backpedal you bloodsucking parasite.

I guess if I were a dumb beanerbeaner piece of shit like you I'd go on the internet and pretend to be a successful whitewhite person too.

But hey, keep congratulating yourself on how you baited me by outing yourself as a welfare leeching illegal.

Whatever helps you sleep at night ya fucking gnome.

I can rest easy knowing that you got absolutely nothing on me and revel in the fact that my mere existence makes you s33th3 because you're pathetic enough to think you're special for being a Walmart-American and hate the world for still making you an utter failure of a human being(seriously this guy's irl ought to be his flair so everyone knows what level of /r/beholdthemasterrace we're dealing with) despite being m a y o

I'd trade rural American for the Mexicans.

I'm Armenian you dweeb.

tits or gtfo

RIP Pol_Invictus

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Motherfucker I was on top of my game there too. Why the late removal, bot?

hes definitely done for this time!



lol at leftys continual attempts to frame people that dont believe them as the delusional ones

when youve been saying the same shit for 3 years

just give it up already hes going to be re elected

lol at leftys continual attempts to frame people that dont believe them as the delusional ones

You're gullible enough to think that the world's entire population of scientists, economists, scholars, and historians have spent their entire lifetime deceiving you, and that a four-time bankrupt reality TV star living on inherited money whose typical day consists of chimping out on Twitter in all caps and who needs his handlers to give him memos in the form of glorified coloring books so that his mashed potato brain can understand it, actually is a bastion of truth and honestly, and more importantly is working towards your best interests instead of paying off debts to the Russian oligarchs he's hung with for decades and stroking his own ego in the process.

I'll just leave that there and end it at that, because I'm right and you're the one who looks like an easily deceived simpleton here.

Quick fact: no party whose sitting president has had impeachment inquiries filed for him, has won the following election. But of course daddy is special and totally immune to all of this. That must be why he's s33thing on twitter night and day.

You're gullible enough to think that the world's entire population of scientists, economists, scholars, and historians have spent their entire lifetime deceiving you

the fuck are you talking about lol what scientists and scholars are supporting your dumb conspiracies

I'll just leave that there and end it at that, because I'm right and you're the one who looks like an easily deceived simpleton here.

lol yeah man all the stuff so far has been totally real and convincing

muh concentration camps and collusion and rape victims

its just one big spaz and the sooner you come to terms with it the better tbh

Quick fact: no party whose sitting president has had impeachment inquiries filed for him, has won the following election.

yeah man i hear hubris works out for you guys you ought to get even more smug about your chances

That must be why he's s33thing on twitter night and day.

he tweets a thing

a billion blue checks rage for a week

but yeah hes the angry one lol

I hope daddy deports you.

Well...I mean...so far, they're right, aren't they?


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Good lord Automod is getting feisty

You do know how succession works, right? If daddy gets divorced then Pence becomes new daddy. Then we still have an election next year regardless of the outcome.

Daddy pretty much told China that he would concede the trade war if they help him out lol

If they stock up on McDonald’s and he still has twitter and WiFi he could hold out for quite awhile


Why are you linking british trash

"constitutionally invalid"

I guess this will test the limits of "if I don't believe it, it isn't real"

Take that and apply it to the entire Republican party, and you'd be spot on too. Along with a great explanation as to why daddy voters are the way they are


says the smoothbrsined muppet who thinks nothing will ever happen to daddy...



The democrats will have no choice but to concede if he tells them gender is a spectrum and he's a demi-platonic whoremonger while denying that the impeachment is real.


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The Dems waste more time trying to impeach shumpf than I do procrastinating doing my hw that's due in two hours.

Unless the Dems grow some balls and start throwing people in jail for contempt, he will win. You have a delusional narcissist against a bunch of pussies.