Lmao Pizza came back just to get gangraped by basedcels

98  2019-10-08 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole


When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. Lmao Pizza came back just to get ga... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Jesuse Christ snappy came back with a take no prisoners additude 😂

Lmao the pure SNEEDING going on

+69 comments and counting 😂

How many times in one post can pizza rant about the “hicks” and “fly over country”

Isnt that like asking, "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

Didn’t rich people like daddy too?


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Finally somebody is doing something about PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT.

Dont burst his bubble like that, it was the damn rednecks in their cabin in the woods that got us President Tr*mp, and only them

(Goddamnit they keep adding words lol)

Cause tru mp had all his casino buddies like Steve Wynn and such that all donate to him. But sure it was all the Arkansas gun toting red necks, exclusively

(Goddamnit they keep adding words lol)

I think we should just keep adding more and more words until the entire English language is banned, as a sort of meta joke on censorship and social media

Only stupid rich people, also stupid poor people. Stupid people in general like tramp, they relate to him

I don’t know, how much longer is it until flyovercels realize that nobody gives a shit about them and their problems as long as everyone else can keep shoveling neetbux at them in exchange for food?

Is Dems dropped abortion and gun control they’d never lose an election but they won’t

Republicans bring up abortion too and it loses them votes as well.

Guns you are probably right about though.

Even if dems stopped talking about abortion, repubs would continue to screech about muh baaaaabies until abortion was banned federally and in all 50 individual states for good measure


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You are cramping my style

Uh huh.. Yet Republicans have practiced some of the most strict gun laws.

They think all dem politicians are literal Satanists. You can't please the special needs.

Rip bumpybois

Shall not infringe except if D*ddy does it 😍

"Shall not be infringed" is when you want background checks. Reagan and Daddy's gun laws are just the "A well regulated" part

I can in general support Daddy, while also acknowledging that hes utter shit in some areas.

If it isn’t really obvious he’s super insecure about being a redneck hick I don’t know what is.

What's worse is he looks like just the type of hick you'd expect in that flyover country.

All I see is dumb rightoids and rurals jobs we haven’t automated away just yet.

One day snappy will automate your job away. Then we'll see how you feel.

You'll be jealous of those ruralcels when yang implements neetbuxx in 2020

He gets the neetbux too dummy. Unless hes a criminal or, god forbid a zoomer

Hey bby, I don't think that my post was really right wing

"Because of many factors, including, but not limited to the fact that people dislike the Clintons heavily, especially Hillary or her politics:


people disliking Obama;

the fact that she fucked with berniebros tendies or because she and her supporters forgot the golden rule of election- you can shit on undecided hicks all you want before and after the election, but not during them.

Drump is better at one, well two things: Nickelback memes and hick populism."

Plz no insults😭😭😭😭😭😭

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Fuck you.

Pizza bless he's literally never been wrong before

WoW takes skill

-Pizza, just yesterday

I think he's putting up a pretty good fight. I'd like to see you try to longpost at three different people at once and keep up.

I gave up just following one.


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Yes I admire the sheer and unbridled a*tism at work here

I genuinely do not understand how or why he does it

It's Pizza; what else is he gonna do?

Hopefully not kiss any more girls that pic is gross

I didn't see it, pls post.


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It's one of the flags for this sub, just click "refresh" until you see a doughy mayo tonguing a TERF

Oh shit, that's pizza? I thought it was a lesbian couple.

Yeah he posted that picture to win an Internet argument that he wasn't an incel, with a gf he met through posting on drama

Don’t tempt me. Do your job.

Even after all this time and all the shittweets by One and Only, she still thinks she can win this?


So it's bad when it's just rich businessmen propping Daddy up, but it's also bad when it's just those uneducated nobodies that voted for him. That's a pretty diverse crowd there.