[Past Drama] Final Fantasy VII House.

60  2019-10-09 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


His test results were 100% fagginosis, and a partial Tardination of the Brain Ganglia. The boards verdict is repeated quadrasperg alignments.


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Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. [Past Drama] Final Fantasy VII Hous... - archive.org, archive.today

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A top 5 weebshit classic. I could see so many redditors ending up in that situation.

Lmao sure, blame the weebshit and not the fact that it was an lgbtarded troonsquad

Troon women are women, so it seemed like a minor and expected detail.

Both are equally degenerate. Are you also a weeb pol?

No, just a troon

You're sounding like a real Sephiroth right now, sweaty :v

Imagine the smell 😷

Guests were made to clean occasionally, but nobody took the trash out, and soon the air was rank with the odor of sex and rotting meat.

"God, the smell in that place," Syd wrote in an account on his website. "It was like a miasma of filth with sparkle sunshine fairy artificial sugar scent sprayed over it. It made me sick."


Anyone who gets a whiff of rotting meat and doesn't immediately drop everything and make taking care of it their only priority should not be living unsupervised.

Seriously. Nothing gets me to take the trash out faster than realizing I put something in it that I probably should have taken outside immediately.

wtf i love chine$e g@amer concentration camps now.

Typical vice. years late to the action

Articles from 2015...

Years after the FFVII house became infamous😒

True I was wrong. That one was before my FF time.

I feel we need like a standardised test made by you to gain approvedcel status. I've seen people not know why Chris Chan is smdhtbqhwy

Are we on lockdown again?

I saw somebody "literally who?" jewdank a few weeks ago 😠😠😠

I love this thing. 'Jen' and 'Hojo' were both on an old forum I used, and would try to hit people up on IM. I never got the full story at the time, due to early web forum drama. Years after that site was gone I stumbled across this write up, and I believe every word of it.

Did you ever interact!?

Incidentally, but not a great deal. This would be circa 2000, and my recollection is that Hojo insisted on posting in character, and Jen being far less active. They did probe a friend for interest in their weirdo spirituality, but never bothered me personally. Sorry to disappoint.

Fair dos 😔

Joseph Laycock, a professor of religious studies at Texas State University, says that otherkin status often functions as something closer to a personal identity. And despite the general scorn the internet holds for them, Laycock says, it's important to understand that people claiming the identity aren't necessarily crazy.

Sure, buddy. Óvô


oh look, it's this again. really needed to be stickied so we can read it for the seventh time

pet rat

lol fucking gross.

Rats, like all rodents, are normally super cute.

It’s only when they’re in the wild they may get dingy, dirty and kinda gross.

Aw cute!

Love this story but surely everyone here knows this.

What fucking internet rabbit hole did I just dive in to

Oh this is ooooooooold

There is this YouTube comedy group called Funhaus.

For a while a man who would have made a FINE Drama poster named Lawrence Sonntag did a bit on their weekly podcast Dude Soup called "Hard Netting".

He covered topics like this from the past and contemporary times.

If you'd like to see all of the hard netting segments, here is a list of the podcasts they are featured on


I used to watch Funhaus, eventually it became just a slightly edgier IGN (aka, not edgy at all) and I stopped.

Man, that's the worse scandal ever hit State College, PA.

I will always re-read this article when I stumble across it.

Never too old to revisit the classics of dramatic canon.

Can I get a TLDR?

Crazy gussy scams randos for rent; smells up the place.