Attacking Snopes was just the beginning...

111  2019-10-09 by jubbergun


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You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. Attacking Snopes was just the begin... -,

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Boomers can be funny. Generation idpol cannot.






imagine getting BTFO by boomers that you get this salty


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Boomers rise up

I’ve never watched this capeshit but I was wondering. Does the joker just walk around with face pain on all the time?

Is the joker a juggalo?

excuse me could you not use the j-slur? Thanks!


I gotta say these dudes are actually funny. Never thought I’d say that about Christian ríghtoid boomers

Here’s a good one

That one is actually funny. Why doesn't anyone post the good ones?

What is the satarizing? What's the link between dragkweens and libraries?

The texans decided to have a drag queen library and somehow this represents the liberal states that dont live in polluted boomer deserts.

Like it wasn't poorfag Californians run out of your shithole state by your apocalyptically bad government.

california basically pays for half the inland states and their "our entire industry can be done 1/3 the price overseas" industry.

that's only because california soaks a lot of industry from the other states not because it's any good


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its good compared to anywhere thats inland or else they would have actual economies not based on government handouts or having the luck of the arab with some oil.

their "our entire industry can be done 1/3 the price overseas" economy.

Thanks for selling out America to Chicom, I guess it'll have been worth saving a couple bucks on your shoes when you're on your knees licking the commisar's bootheel.

implying anyone would ever want to import food from china

lol how much fenatyle are you on. There are more countries than just the US and China.

So you dont want food from China but you totally want it from some even worse backwater shithole? Well gee that's cool.

everywhere other than china is worse off

i think you got some bullshit on your tracks tankie.

Uh if they're better off they'll be expensive to make stuff in, you moron. Holy shit, you're stupid, I'm just gonna stop talking ot you now.

It wasn't just Texas. There have been tons of drag queen shows for children in libraries all over the nation.

What's the link between dragkweens and libraries?

What' next? Why is Bill Hicks funny?

Boomer '''humor'''


The title is just a pretty obvious observation of what happened. Then after that there aren't any... you know... jokes.

That’s the case for most satire “news” websites.

That's why I love ClickHole.

The Onion is good, but you only need to read the first paragraph in most articles because the rest is just beating the dead horse.

ClickHole is good. HardTimes and DuffelBlog are good but have a lot of niche content that goes over my head. I'd read a satirical news site about agriculture or semiconductor manufacturing or whatever if it was good, that's how desperate I am at this point.

well the entire "bro you're a bro among bros" article is worth finishing, but it's special in that it's appeal in how it just keeps going and going

broseph stalin, paving the way for the emanbropation of the broletariat

a brogle, soaring through the highest reachest of the atbrosphere

That's a classic. I also love their Joe Biden series.

Click hole is terrible. It used to be funny, but now they just go for surreal. The Hard Times is way better.

Yeah. I don't get it. The Onion was killing it for the first decade at least and millions of kids were reading it back then. Why did none of them make a worthy successor when they grew up?

m*xicans bought it

for real that's what happened, they slashed online and it suddenly started going downhill.

i miss their angry espn and duncan birch

Man I’ve been digging the Babylon bee lately. it has may0-left types seething most of the time. I don’t get why these “people” feel the need to carry water for the Neo liberal establishment 🤷🏿‍♂️

No joke all they did was steal what everyone was already saying but i don't expect boomers to do actual work

Yeah I've already seen this one a hundred times on twitter