Corncels of /r/Iowa drop all civility when a new potato enters the state

59  2019-10-09 by EasySchmitty


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  1. Corncels of /r/Iowa drop all civili... -,,

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All the l’oids on that sub make that Iowa look like Portland.

Why can’t they just drop all the dramatic “we’ll be extinct in 10 years” and listen to Slipknot and other mall metal like normal Iowans

They need some Casey’s pizza grease pronto.

Tbf Casey’s taco pizza is the absolute bomb

This is the real Iowa.

We'll be extinct in 10 years but in that time we can have vengeance against those responsible

The most ironic thing about this circus is when people say "she's a child, what does she know?", response is, "your ad hominem is not helping".

I love how insecure you are when it comes to a little girl. You've never believed in something enough to make a difference and now a 16 year old is making you uneasy about your lack of commitment to anything. It's hilarious.


I wish i had rich parents so i could grand stand for the world to see

Not having wealthy but emotionally unavailable Asian parents


being Asian


I'd also play the a*tistic mouthpiece if it meant getting rich parents.

listen here bigot, you need to live in a pod and eat bugs so China Africa and India can pollute more. and then you need to open your borders so more chinese african and indian people can immigrate and pollute at your pollution per capita rate that i'm supposedly unhappy with. after that, you need to queer your toddler, sterilize yourself and open up your marriage so your wife can sleep with tyrone. trust me, this is going to save the planet. -sincerely, Greta Shekellörg Gøldbergstein

Boyan Slat

Why have I never heard of this guy

After Thunberg’s speech, the crowd engaged in an 11-minute silent ‘sit-in’ to demonstrate the severity of climate change.


So they just sat there like they do on their couches all day anyways? For 11 whole minutes?


Sounds fucking boring.

And then everyone drove home in their gasoline automobiles while flicking cigarette butts out the window

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Iowans are bandaid eaters.

Lmao, imagine listening to anything anyone in Iowa has to say 🌽🌽🌽

That's a banning

Baste, thank you janny for 🧹🧹🧹cleaning🧹🧹🧹 this thread of the coastie menace 😊

Coastal waters around here are the Missouri and the Mississippi, as God intended.

coastelcel queers get off my lawn

Based and cornpilled

listen here bigot, you need to live in a pod and eat bugs so China Africa and India can pollute more. and then you need to open your borders so more chinese african and indian people can immigrate and pollute at your pollution per capita rate that i'm supposedly unhappy with. after that, you need to queer your toddler, sterilize yourself and open up your marriage so your wife can sleep with tyrone. trust me, this is going to save the planet. -sincerely, Greta Shekellörg Gøldbergstein



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I missed this.

Iowans are monsters, the whole lot of them.

Do we have an official r/drama ambassador to r/Iowa or something? It's the only state-specific subreddit that consistently gets linked here.

Also, lmao. Every state and/or city-related subreddit is indistinguishable from each other. Redditors can't help but be boring clones of each other no matter where they live.