Antifa warrior explains meaning of "no freedom from consequences" principle by accusing brave patriot of playing semantics

63  2019-10-09 by newcomer_ts


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Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


  1. Antifa warrior explains meaning of ... -,

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Glad to see all these woke businesses aren't really woke

What could possibly be more woke than selling out to chicom?

Do wokees support China bc the people are yellow and feel they are lesser than themselves, or bc they support the communist government bc its a woke ideology 🤔

As per Uncle Ted, those are the same thing.

Capitalism bad child slavery good

I am interested in what you are selling.

Were do we start how deep down the rabbit hole do you want to go? Pick your interest. Human slavery, financially led mal investment in thought or my favorite the grand plan?

Bring me up to speed on the 5k year plan.

Based HG wells shitpost lmao

Ummmmm, have you seen chinese people? I dont know about you, but they definitely dont look wh*te to me

These companies are merely trying to bring prosperity to minorities, and china has over a billion minorities living in it

Nah they're so woke theyre tankies. Communism has not done anything wrong. Also, real communism has never been tried before

If you don’t have sex with a lonely man and shit on him constantly, are you really surprised if he shoots up a school?


I’m not surprised tbh