A user in /r/characterrant thinks that one anime character is overrated and could never beat another anime character. The rest of the users calmly disagree.

60  2019-10-09 by TheColdTurtle


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If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


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what are the odds of a full moon and for the battle to actually move on to nighttime?

Jotaro literally beat Dio in the middle of the night, tf is this guy on about

god the retarded nerd in me wants to get involved in that so bad but i have to resist.

That's pathetic

lol nerd

now where is your lunch money, four-eyes?

New levels of pathetic. "Which of my imaginary characters would win according to made up dumb rules"

You dont take part in dumb power ranking arguments online? What are you a fucking boomer?

This but unironically

I thought it was confirmed that from Toriyama's inconsistencies, Goku can beat everyone eventually but loses to any sort of handheld beam weapon.

no that's a misunderstanding. in the db super movie, resurrection of F, he is hit with a ring beam weapon while in super saiyan blue form, which almost kills him. however this has been retconned and is now non canon. when they redid the golden freeza saga in the actual show, which is now the official canon, goku was completely powered down and in his base form when hit with the beam.

their powers come entirely from "ki", which they can raise and lower at will, if he lowers his ki down to that of a regular person, he can totally be wounded with a space aliens lazer weapon, which is probably far stronger than any guns produced on earth anyway.

also in the dragon ball universe robots exist that use blasts strong enough to wound super saiyans, using pure technology, so it's not absurd that a lazer weapon made by extremely high tech aliens could blow a hole through goku in his powered down state.

It is absurd when considering the feats power-rankers use, such as first movie Broly who casually wipes out a galaxy or something, and compare it to the actual effects they inflict in mutual combat (on-par with average capeshitter) or the gun (not stated to have super saiyan-killing kryptonite or anything).

And all of that is probably going to end up retconned or just overwritten.

i mean as i said, the changed the lazer thing for a reason, cause they realised it was illogical and stupid for it to hurt him while in his blue form which is literally a divine god form, to him being completely powered down.

their powers have always worked this way, if they are powered down and their ki is lower, they are weaker, their entire abilities come from their ki energy levels. for example in the scene where vegeta asks krillin to blow a hole through him so that dende can heal him, and he'll get a hax power boost from saiyans being injured and healing. vegeta has to lower his power level down so krillin can even hurt him.

Featsposting is the most retarded way of talking about characters.

Nothing of importance comes out of it and everyone comes out looking like a ret*rded nerd.

I know because everyone that says that Joseph is not the strongest JoJo is an idiot and I’ll defend this opinion to the death

pls stop posting


I thought this was a legit fanboy t*rd that was in the wrong because fanboys are like that, but now I think this is bait.

Later you can see him going for the most common inflammatory fantasy fights (Goku vs Saitama, Goku vs Superman). he adds JoJo to attract normies into his trolly post.

But he failed, everyone is mocking him.

Also friendly reminder that JoJo is bae and everyone should watch it.

Also friendly reminder that JoJo is bae and everyone should watch it.

as long as you don't interact with the shitty normalfag fanbase.

A rabid fan base of unfunny idiots is sadly a must for any form of media that has value to itself

Idk breaking bad doesn't really have that

Breaking bad started before the social media craze, so it wasn’t really hip to watch it.

Look at Game of Thrones for a better comparison.

Nah dog, if Kira can get Goku to monologue while close to him, Killer Queen can just blow him up

Goku can hardly put two sentence together man, if anything Kira is the one with the monologues

ya but accelerator can beat the flash

It depends on how much the flash is jobbing that day

he cant even land a hit, and post sisters arc accelerator carries o2 so he can't do some memery to deprive him of breathable air

Accelerator cant land a hit on flash either. It would be a draw if you use flash with feats, but a total stomp if you use the memecalc version of flash (attosenond or nuclear bomb calc).

no matter how fast he goes, he gets redirected by a standard accelerator. If you take current novel accelerator, then the flash can't even attack since accelerator is now retarded "destroy the universe and use magic" level.

Oh damn didnt know he got that powerful now. Well yeah I guess it is a 6/10 favoring accelerator then. It is either a draw or flash just fucks up as usual and loses.

they went full retard and gave him a short stack demon gf who made him more powerful then announced a 3rd series of books

Getting to suggsverse levels here soon god damn

every hero in Dc (and marvel) has to be weaker then their rogue’s gallery every time they face each other, no matter how logically absurd it is.

Also every character in Dc has to lose in a direct confrontation to Batman, no matter how absurd that sounds.

This creates what I call the Batman paradox: Batman is at the same time the weakest and strongest fictional character in all of fiction, and the same applies to his rogue gallery.

Let's do what mao did except for weebs

I’m deleting this app I genuinely can’t stand y’all. I’m not even gonna try to make a point this time I’m done.

New snappy quote plz

I don’t get why these fuckin’ nerds fight over this shit, anyways. Yeah, Goku could probably BTFO most of the JJBA universe, but JJBA as an entity kicks Dragon Ball’s ass up and down a brick wall, so it’s irrelevant.