Female PUAs getting woke

64  2019-10-09 by alphetaboss


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  1. Female PUAs getting woke - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Why does a female PUA sub even exist? Here, let me explain fmale dating strategy:

Just exist.

From what I can tell, they're dating strategy is how to date without falling for losers. They talk a lot about how they're attracted to guys with no jobs, or are abusive, or really any of the thousand things that you're not supposed to do when dating. It makes sense.


Fëmöids, not even once.

As men get older, they also get creepier because their minds degrade into a pre-dementia state. They're not as sharp as they used to be, giving them less self awareness. They're a few years away from death and their inhibitions are starting to fade, making them more prone to exhibit their inherent toxic behavior without worrying about consequences. They can't hear anymore, making them feel like they're more alone and desperate in the world and contributing to their lack of self-awareness. Some of them turn to incestuous pedophilia if they're left alone with family members or other young girls who they can target more easily. Others engage in grooming behavior with young women who are technically of legal age but still wayyy too young and are manipulated through money or elder privilege. The truly demented (like with literal dementia) end up in nursing homes where they're free to grope as many nurses as they want and trick other nutjobs into "consenting" to have sex with them, thus the high STD rates. Possibly the least-horrible of the old men are the ones who take creepshots of young women as shown here, completely unaware of their surroundings and not caring about the feelings of their victims or any other consequences. I'd say maybe 10-15% of old men in my experience are decent people, but that might be pushing it. Once they get over 70 they're like always-drunk versions of their former selves and a threat to women everywhere they're present. I don't really know what the solution to the elderly problem is, maybe it's drugs to prevent what's making them crazy, maybe The Giver had some good ideas. I do feel bad that this poor girl's butt has been shared all over the internet, but I think as long as it's exposing the problems with eldermasculinity, this photo is doing more good than harm overall.

That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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They need to help themselves from themselves

So losers trying not to be losers lmao pretty much lady version of a pick up artist

for some reason i thought this was the femcel sub

They have alot of the same users plus gend3r cr!tical from what I noticed. So yea

There's a lot of crossover I assume. The same bitterness is prevailing

This is 99% it. It's just exist without being a complete train wreck. If you are mildly attractive and a train wreck, guys will date you. There is a certain point of shit show though where even desperate men will say no.

I wonder what percentage of that sub are trann*es

Opposite kind of lolcow. They’re terfs and ban trannies on sight.

If only the rest of the internet would follow suit and add f*ids and str@ight men to that list.

This Sub Is For Females & By Females Exclusively If you are not a female, then we are not interested in your opinion. And don’t bother trying to circumvent the rules by claiming to be a transwoman, because we don’t care. If you have an XY, then your opinions don’t apply.

Someone post this to ahs

Terf alert

Imagine taking this long to realize something this obvious.

brats who want a servile woman but without any kind of the traditional masculine obligations.

Seems to me those in the thread have met their share of "male fem!nists".

Bill Burr said it already but it's good some women are getting the message.

The females are onto ur game /r/MensLib