They're turning the freaking Autists Gay!

34  2019-10-10 by WarSanchez


Your post has rendered me completely and utterly impotent. Nowhere in that cesspool of faggotry did I encounter anything even resembling intelligent thought. I physically cannot open reddit with these chodes inhabiting it. My quality of life is now quantitatively worse that it was before I was exposed to what is essentially the intellectual equivalent of a tranny offing themselves.


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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. They're turning the freaking Autist... -,

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Fuck are they about to expose the gamer to trap-babe pipeline???

The autists are always prime targets for cults, sadly.

Murray won a $680,000 compensatory award Troids usually grift after converting, but this guy's on a whole n'other level.

Man literally no one in this subreddit can read huh. Autist wasn't trans, he was given medicine off label (aka not what the fda approved it for) as a kid and it made a straight dude grow tits.

On the bright side as its a anti pyschotic also perscribed for autism I'm sure lots of nerds on this subreddit can get their hands on it to finally live out their touching boobs fantasy. Heres looking at you lalwz.

Lawlz is the kind of guy who doesn’t have autism but that makes it worse because he doesn’t have the excuse of being an autist

Yeah antipsychotics and drugs for autism are kinda shit (although for separate reasons) he 100% brought this on himself

But who has the pics of his tits?


I mean he or his parents could've just googled it and not taken it.

Free tits AND a payout?!


8 billion seems like an absurd amount for something like this. I doubt it'll remain 8b, but holy shit.

Juries love to give out gigantic sums of money to "send a message." All it does is make them feel good about sticking it to Big Pharma because those awards never stick.

8 billion fucking dollars...

Johnson and Johnson should start peddling HRT medicine