Mayo wamen try to be funny

79  2019-10-10 by CapeshitterCOPE


I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


  1. Mayo wamen try to be funny -,

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Download TikTok. Look at all the amazing, funny shit people are creating (especially young women) in an environment that isn’t swamped with dudebro gatekeepers demanding that you listen to them talk about how much they ‘don’t get fags’

Oh no no no no][(

Tiktok is funny like trollx or other lolcow sanctuaries are funny. Not gonna lie tho most of the cringe is from older people and theres a decent number of based zoomer brawds

Lol I like your posts there especially this one

That's exactly why I use tiktok.




My man!

I give that one a literal heh

You can really feel the waves of neurotic tendencies eminating from this one.

guac check

Anglos shouldn't be able to buy guacamole.

There is no evolutionary reason for wamen to be funny.

Hitchens, half-drunk

W*omen are funny get over it. 🙄

Tiktok is literally a tool by a despotic Chinese government to spy on people. I genuinely don't know why we needed a vine 2.0 and why, of all places to find one, we'd go with the Chinese one.

In thirty years think of all the kompromat they'll have of freshmen legislators doing Fortnite dances back when they were in middle school

it just became kinder

fuck dudebros


Is Tik tok the new vine


I thought kids weren't allowed on this sub

If you can look me in the eye and tell me that TikTok is the future of comedy, I swear to god I will kill myself right here right now.