TiTrCJ goes to /r/stupidol to debunk 'right wing propanda' using Snopes; Snopes actually confirms the original post is mostly true

162  2019-10-10 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


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That emo turd banned me from SubparDrama for calling a guy trying to get this sub banned a 'LOLCow.'

Rejoice, for thou art SRDine no longer.

Sandor is still a SRDine at heart.

This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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Snopes is honestly such a fucking joke.

Headline: Portland bans urinals in public building

Snopes: They didn't actually ban urinals in this building, they just removed them and have no plans to put in any.

Therefore we rate this claim mostly false.

they do this with everything, when you read the articles theyll be "well its sort of true, but not to this very particular pedantic standard that nobody uses so we rate it false!"

Just read their fucking article on hillary saying that women are the primary victims of war. Such a fucking joke.

Nobody debates semantics more than snopes and Reddit.

I remember when snopes was just internet rumors and urban legends. It was much better then.

I love that snopes and babylonbee have been slapfighting for a month or two. Fuckin' ridiculous, but funny.

The netflix Babylon bee article was kino

Link it fam

Ok thanks fam

The story snopes was taking on was all public Portland buildings were to have urinals removed, so it was a different story then the ima... Ah who cares

Dramaiod are brainlets sometimes


Imagine being such a brainlet you can't get to "dramoid" on your own.

Did you accidentally put angry sauce on your sandwich instead of jam today? What's with all the hostility?

I think it's upset i consider them subhuman too bad i don't check my notifications to see them seethe at me

Yet here you are responding lmao

It's hilarious that you consider this any more or less than my usual baseline of hostility to every single one of you stone-cold retards.

pol has always been this way.

Ironically, you apparently a word.


Tbh that's one of the tricks. If your opponent isn't retarded enough, find a publication further right or left and debunk that one instead.

That's been the scheme for decades.

Also, orange man bad.

Actually Snopes does this quite often. They genericize the claim, and say it's mostly false afterwards.

Portland bans urinals in the Public Building - true

Portland bans urinals in public buildings - mostly false.

I just do not understand gender theory

Gender doesn't exist, but we need to give hormones and surgery to children if they identify as the other gender.

Boomers BTFO


but yeah I don’t understand it either

I have tried too, but going from social constructivism to feminine penises is too much for me.

Like I understand them when they say gender is socially constructed but don’t know if I 100% agree. But yeah feminine penis I don’t get. If sex and gender and completely separate why are they combining them.

Unironically non-binary r-slurs make seethe. If gender roles are bad than why is making a gender based off a mix of different gender roles good. I've never heard a good argument for defending this ideology.

Me too brother me too. It’s because you can’t 100% detach sex from gender but they want to act like you can. Some gender rolls developed because of sex. Plus gender roles are a good thing.

It's just larping and it really irks me. At least with t-slurs it's a dude who thinks his penis should be a vagina and vice versa. What do non-binaries feel besides the nebulous "I don't feel masculine or feminine"?

I think there is a decent number of trannies larping as well.

It's a way to feel special without being productive.

Doesn't Snopes have "factually correct, morally incorrect" rating? What a joke

That was a BabylonBee article. It didn't actually happen.


falling for satire should result in a month ban or something


You would ban lolcows for eating nutritional fulfilling pasta?

there can be amnesty for imported cows, but if you're a full citizen you should be held to a higher standard 😤

this, but unironically.

Our pasta, you gotta say and I say it all the time, has the best nutrients.

Full year when it's via the christcuck boomer onion


The BoomerBee-Snopes feud is the greatest thing ever

If only the MSM would spend more time covering it.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's recent statement that many people are more concerned with being factually accurate than morally right

Oh god is this part of the satire or did she actually say this?

You never heard about that? She said it.

Well, that's it. It's time to kill myself.

Don't do it because AOC said something stupid, it will set a horrible precedent that could cost us half of humanity.

it will set a horrible precedent that could cost us half of humanity.

Cost? We need a plague.

But the people we need to die are the ones that thing AOC is stunning and brave.

At this point, we really can't be picky.

Sure we can be.

It's nice to see shits maintaining his generalized hatred for the truth, lmao

You two have that in common at least


I’m seething, you are the one coping

More cope.


That dude has literally nothing going for him in life.

Remember he mods and participates in "advice" subs.

No need to go that far. He's a moderator of some of the most active communities on Reddit and acts in that role without expecting a single cent in return.

Theres alot of urine analysis going on in these ltard hellholes

Sneeding aside, this made me think of this article about stadium bathroom design I read a while back that I found very interesting.

Gender neutral?

Urinals for everyone! They're cheaper to build, use less water, take up less space, and they're a good place to meet new friends. Absolute win-win situation.

Big liberal cities are the best. Let me pat myself on the back over preferred pronoun bathrooms while a psychotic drifter stabs me in the neck with a dirty needle.