Dementia daddy’s lawyer Rudy recruits a Ukrainian and real estate guy to help him investigate foreign interference. They both get arrested for funneling foreign money into US campaigns.

30  2019-10-10 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


His test results were 100% fagginosis, and a partial Tardination of the Brain Ganglia. The boards verdict is repeated quadrasperg alignments.


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You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Dementia daddy’s lawyer Rudy recrui... -,

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This is the most obvious agenda post I’ve ever seen. Not even a witty title.

Mcfluff? Sеethe-posting over daddy? Say it aint so

Its only the rightoids that ever agendapost

Not seethe posting. Besides trump continuously being an idiot, me dementia daddy posting creates its own drama tbqh.

No, youve got a point there, especially if by drаma you mean a certain 3 r*ghtоids spеrging out whenever you post your threads

Those are my personal lolcows!


Cry about it.😢




I thought the MAGAcels hated foreign entanglements.

They were saying Putin gets shit done for like 7 years


I don’t like clicking this stuff, what’s a quick recap?

That Parnas guy and some other crooked Ukrainian who were feeding Giuliani the bullshit story about Hillary's emails got arrested. They were funneling foreign money into Daddy's PAC and paid a congressman to get the US ambassador to Ukraine fired.

Ok I clicked

Both, according to (((various media accounts))), helped introduce Giuliani into top Ukrainian political circles.

Click bait

Its honestly so frustrating how all the newspapers use each other as "reliable sources." Literally takes one "anonymous source" on WaPo to say something funky, and suddenly all the other big publishers have a carte-blanche to spread their take on it with zero accountability

Were i predisposed to conspiracies, id begin to wonder if those in power are trying their best to discredit institutions that have previously been crucial in disclosing truth to the public

pretending like the mainstream press doesnt print redaction's when they get shit wrong

its a total coincidence that as soon as the republicans go hard authoritarian now all the news cant be trusted.

100% agreed. I basically have given up and don’t believe anything. I’ll give some credit to media sources like the hill that just post stuff from everyone and anyone without major biases. But I also really despise conspiracy theories. I believe Nancy Pelosi perfectly described exactly some of their tactics, like the “wrap up smear”

I kinda wish there was an independent agency tasked with grading the legitimacy of popular news sources

But everyone/thing is partisan these days, so i know its just a pipe dream

I think Elon musk actually has something of this nature in the works, but I might be mistaken. Like a universal way to give journalists grades on their accuracy. I think is a excellent idea tbh. I truly don’t gaf about who’s side any given topic falls in favor of, I just want to know the truth/facts. Chris chapel that does chinauncensored and Americauncovered is about the only thing I trust. I do like some of tucker Carlson’s takes, but I take them with a grain of salt. Jimmy dore on yt can be pretty good too.

Thanks man, imma save this and take a look at them over the weekend. Ive heard good things about Carlson before, but never bothered to look up who he is

He’s the only person that isn’t cancer on Fox. He gets referenced by liberals bc he brings up very real class issue etc. He makes leftoids seethe bc he’s supposed to one of them, as he has the traditional Ivey league liberal arts education and Great wit. Woketards/the ruling class/neo liberal establishment hate him so much he’s down to like 13 advertisers. Still get the feels of planned opposition, but his interviews with far left liberals are entertaining.

Interviews? Can you recommend one he did with someone interesting?

If its anything like the time AJ was on Joe Rogan, ill gladly watch that shit

There are tons, but this one cracks me up every time. It’s with micheal avannatti, he doesn’t refer to him as creepy porn lawyer 😂

At risk of sounding like a boomer, thank you for sharing this clip

Id forgotten how sleazy that lawyer was, it was nice to see him discomforted

I just love how he promises not to call him CPL, but it’s in the banner during the interview 😂

Ive heard good things about Carlson before, but never bothered to look up who he is

He's more or less a typical talk radio-style propagandist who fires people up by saying controversial shit. His base is old people and unironic rural drug addicts like our friend here.

Imagine the right-wing version of an /r/politics poweruser and you've got Carlson, except that he doesn't actually believe most of the shit he spews.

I was disappointed to learn hes on Fox, but ill still give him a shot cause i worry about living isolated in my leftist bubble

If youve got a rightоid you can recomend (except Crowder) that i can listen to instead of him id be happy to consider them

Chris Wallace is p good iirc

Welp, Trump seems to dislike him, so i guess thats as good a sign of quality as any. Its just kinda saddening that the two suggestions i got both come from Fox

While i have your attention, as one of the senior mods, could you please clarify something for me? Are /r/Politics posts autoremoved?

Are /r/Politics posts autoremoved?

Not sure, I haven't been able to keep up with the sub this week

If you don’t think it happened, then why else would they both get arrested jackass? Are you forgetting that detail of the story?

Campaign finance violations by two foreign nationals somehow indicts drunpft. It’s the same fake news shit as when mueller targeted everybody that dared to work on the trump campaign, and they even elude to it somehow magically discrediting Bidens Ukrainian quid pro quo scandal. Honestly this stuff would hold a lot more weight if both sides were held to account, and not just the anti Neo liberal establishments. At least in my mind. Even when major crimes are committed by the Neo liberal/con cabal, it’s buried deeper than the Mariana trench. I respect that some have TDS, I can honestly see how he annoys those lacking logic, but with high emotional intelligence. I’m here to tell you most people aren’t political junkies, and they see a lot of this selective outrage for what it is.

I can honestly see how he annoys those lacking logic



Lol where have you been? MAGAcels love Trump having foreign entanglements. Remember how pre-election they criticized Hillary and her connections to the Saudis and now they’re totally fine with Trump brushing up the torture and murder by the Saudis?

(((Ukrainian)) and (((real estate guy)))

I'm predicting all charges to be dropped.

This proves no collusion because Russia hates Ukraine or something.


this proves collusion because ukraine belongs to russia

Was listening to a podcast a while back that featured a few experts on Ukraine.

The general consensus seemed to be that there's exactly a 0% chance Rudy wasn't involved in illegality in that country, serious shit.

They were talking about some stuff I wasn't even aware of. I guess this guy was/is running a "security" company and some city in Ukraine signed a contract with him out of the blue. Like why the fuck is a city in Ukraine signing a contract with a security company run by Rudy fucking Giuliani of all people?

I suspect like manafort, pretty much everyone around Trump is involved in serious corruption in Ukraine and that's why they're trying so hard to fabricate these random conspiracies and create a "both sides" narrative.

You can argue Hunter Biden capitalized on his father's name, sure. But the investigation shit is literal fake news and stands up to not even light scrutiny. Rudy on the other hand? He's likely super dirty.

The second news broke about this Ukraine stuff I think anyone aware of this knew Rudy was fucked. The man is probably the single dumbest guy involved with the Trump administration and I can guarantee he will at least be thrown under the bus by Trump.

Hunter is a dirty sleezball. How dumb does a reservist have to be to pop dirty for blow on a drill weekend, shits out of your system in less than a week. Then he was banging his dead wifes sister or something like that.

I'm sure Rudy is a greasy dude, but Hunter is a also a slimeball and there's no denying that, even excluding the sketchy stuff he had going in Ukraine.

  1. Drugs are cool

  2. Military is gay so getting kicked out is cool

  3. Banging your bro’s widow is alpha

Hunter is a chad.

Well you just changed my view on this entire ordeal.

The fact that you needed to be told these things is.... let’s go with retarded.


You’re welcome

Sure, I won't disagree Hunter is a slimeball.

Pizza why do you try to act so confident when we know what you look like?

I'm fucking a cat girl and have had multiple girlfriends I considered attractive. I give not 2 shits what you think I look like.

I'm fucking a cat girl

So a Cluster B NEET who puts on plastic crap manufactured in Chinar?

Snally, this might be hard for you to accept, but cat girls are almost invariably hot as long as they aren't fat.

There's no such thing as a catgirl outside of fiction

I beg to differ.


67% 😂