The incels have found a new home.

135  2019-10-10 by Ghdust2


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just go and talk to people bro

No actually dont

Joker was the best movie of the year so far


As per the court's decision this week, you are technically correct.

What happened? Did the !^(3|s successfully rise up?

Britbongs said some Incel has a right to sex

A bongistan court decided that a literal retard who is incapable of understanding consent has a "fundamental right to have sex".

fundamental right to have sex

That's a odd phrase, since it implies that someone should have to have sex with him. Is prostitution is legal there? How can the government ban someone from having sex though? That's a pretty big violation of one's right over one's own body.

Oi, you got a loicense to have a shag m8?

Mentally ill people have rights restricted all the time

I mean if it stops the shootings...

I will give it a week

This sounds like a sub for incels that have miraculously lost their virginity.

I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. The incels have found a new home. -,,

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This was worth a giggle, if only because I know too many people who would find this more offensive than a minstrel show.

Yeah, making fun of Nintendo Switch bugface soyboys is right up my street, and I never knew the incels were in on that hobby as well. Not only that but it's a top quality and provocative meme.

I guess I've fallen for the anti-incel propaganda. Perhaps they're OK after all.

Incels are pathetic. They understand what's wrong with society and Why they get treated like garbage but instead of adapting they want society to adapt to them.

They are social leeches.

>just fuck ugly uninteresting misogynistic nerds honey, it'll be fun



Sometimes they make funny memes though.

incels are sex communists

yeah it peaks in the women vs men dating standards meme. like yeah a woman doesnt need to have a good income or fit body to fuck but thats not societys fault that you have 0 standards. if you actually put the slightest amount of effort into improving your social status you also get to reject wahmen. Or do you literally just want to freefuck the bottom of the barrel femoids (rhetorical question)


No they are the worst of us, but even the worst of us is still good sometimes

Because we are great.

They're pathetic but I can't bring myself to dislike them.

I'd probably be full of hatred and self-loathing too if I was born ugly.

I try to give them advice when I can. They mostly just disregard it or say they already tried it. Like yeah I’m sure one day you did like 10 push ups and just because you didn’t see instant results it’s total bs. I don’t hate them, I pity them

I also found this.

Okay that is legit fucking art right there.

The swole manlet is some Van Gogh shit.

This is too deep for me.

That is pretty fucking funny.

Lol yeah I saw that one too.

Before banning r/braincels, the admins should have given it an ultimatum to crack down on the suicide glorification. If they cooperated, the subreddit should have been spared.

This new subreddit is way better. /r/braincels became bloated and karma seeking toward the end.

tbh the robot is pretty funny