Massive amounts of vegans descend on a mildly funny joke post like a swarm of starving piranhas to point out the REAL annoying/smug people: meat-eaters

52  2019-10-10 by Detective_Fallacy


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I’m not a vegan, but they’re not smug. They’re the equivalent of abolishinists in 1780. They’re right, dude.

There you go... eating meat = slavery.

Peak autism due to lack of meat protein, obviously.

Carnists are worst than slavers because they literally destroy lives where as slavers just owned property.

These comparisons making me wonder what owning slaves felt like, if it was even 1/3 as enjoyable as eating well prepared meat I can see why abolishing slavery was so controversial.

Why is every retard on the internet unable to understand the concept of a comparison.

womp womp


  1. Massive amounts of vegans descend o... -,,

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The sheer volume of people pretending to not be offended is astounding.

Let me just go ahead and write a paragraph dedicated to outlining just how boring and "predictable"I find this dig at vegans.

In my personal experience, people give vegans way more shit than vice versa.

The vegans I know don't talk about that shit at all. They never bring it up and won't give anyone shit for eating meat or whatever. When you ask them 'why' though, they won't shut up about it for at least half an hour.

I have literally only met two vegans who wasn't pretentious. Literally every other vegan I met is a pretentious fuck head who never shuts up about meat.

There's probably just a ridiculous overlap between people who live up their own asses and people who have fucking retarded diets.

Yeah. Most dietfags are annoying as fuck

You've met more, they just weren't obnoxious so you didn't know they're vegan. Conformation bias and all that. Not saying there aren't terrible cunts out there, but terrible cunts being out there is as sure as death and femcel bush.

Go on vegan reddit and they are insufferable.

Everyone on reddit is

You don't get any extra points for simply being a decent individual and not harming others

You should, though. You want society to give people points for not doing bad things, because it will motivate people to do fewer bad things. Why do they always trot out this weird line?

I learned a while back that the vegan community on Reddit has a slur for normal folks

They call us Omni's

Since then I've been on the lookout on their sub for good drama, but to be honest.. They're so anemic they can't really muster the energy to make decent trash fire threads.

It's over for omnoids/omnicels