Lizzy names the incel

99  2019-10-11 by Kaiser-romulus


Not saying you need to eat only salad or anything but what you've said is reactionary and stupid.


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"A supporter approaches you and says, 'Senator, I'm old-fashioned, and my faith teaches me that marriage is between one man and one woman.' What is your response?" Cox continued, affecting a southern accent for the hypothetical supporter.

"Well, I'm going to assume it's a guy who said that. And I'm gonna say, 'Then just marry one woman. I'm cool with that,'" Warren replied, to rapt applause. She then paused, and continued, "Assuming you can find one."

She just lost the coveted incel vote

It is confirmed no woman can ever think same sex marriage is wrong. And anyone who thinks it is wrong is a sneedcel, and not just some old boomers.

Woman have never did any wrong they're children

30% and growing.

30% what? Are 30% of young men incels? Holy shit the zoomer generation is pathetic.

holy shit, that's actually alarming

18% of women as well. Wow. Society is done for. Litteraly have sex incels

one third of young men are desperate and feel that life is hopeless because they can't get laid

stagnant wages, the devaluation of labor due to mass migration, and the devaluation of degrees due to everyone fucking having one

an entire generation of wage-slavery in which they can never afford a home, a wife, or children of their own

massive drug epidemic and increased suicide rates

automation looming right on the horizon as it threatens to erase tens of millions of jobs, primarily among young and adult men

mayos on the precipice of becoming a minority in America and having a hard time coping

all simultaneously happening during the era of woke idpol which turns everyone against each other and fans the flames of racial, gender and class tension

and during all of this shit the guy at the helm is orange man of all people

We're currently set up for a perfect storm that ends up leading to some Weimar Republic shit.

What a great time in history for /r/drama to exist.

and the muslim vote

America was a mistake. What have we done?

I still blame the media though.

America wasn't a mistake but it should have ended after season 2.

lmao as if there isn't 100 million christian retards with christian retard wives in america

Rude 😡

So 2/3rds of the country is “Christian retards?”


Take the Christian part out and you aren’t far off

protesters waved transgender pride flags with "We Are Dying" written across them, and chanted "Trans people are dying," and "Trans lives matter,"

I really thought that the Democrats couldn't come up with a way to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory in 2020, but this might be it. Potentially millions of white bourgeois heads will explode trying to compute whether they should take the side of the psychos who claim that white-on-black violence is a national crisis or the psychos who claim that straight-on-trans violence is a national crisis.

Anyway, if anyone needs me, I'm gonna be shopping for helium tanks and plastic bags.

Reminder that trans women have a lower murder than white women

Nobody should be murdered by a manlet even trannies.

rofl nigga bravo

It's not just actual violence. Bathroom laws (or the lack of freedom thereof) create mental violence.

Stochastic mental violence even.

Mental violence is going to be my word of the week, thanks.

Don't trannies make up like .2% of the population? Why am I supposed to care?

Because they're incredibly loud.

Liz borin😴


Polyamorists BTFO

People are missing the fact that her yasss kween slayyyy retort doesn't make any sense in the context of what was said initially

She lost the Mormon vote right after.

Haha lol u incel u can't find woman

Maybe they can find man? Hahahahaha jk ....unless?

are u hinting soemthing?

how pathetic is it that my first thought after reading the title was lizzy McGuire

Should have asked her about how we went from gays getting to marry to democrats having a town hall on CNN pandering to the mentally ill. Followed up by when are they going to start supporting minor attracted people. # asteroid2020

tfw the retarded evangelicals boomers screeching about the slippery slope were right

At the end of the day, the eternal boomer really does always have the last laugh, huh?

When I hear good ol liz say "I'm cool with that" all I can think of is this.

Let’s all Pokémon go to the polls!

The cringe was so real.

Godammit, CNN is so irresponsible for putting on this stupid townhall. Here's how these events go:

  • Speaker(s) try their best to be woque
  • At least one makes a gaffe because they aren't completely up-to-date on what's woke and what's offensive
  • Speaker(s) fail to mention someone's pet topic, protesters either turn up to the event and/or blast it on twitter for not covering said topic or not doing enough to help __ group
  • Conservatives and moderates are disgusted by the performance, which pushes them further to the right

All of this can be avoided if they just don't play the game.

this is unironically why glumpf is going to win again

Imagine having two chances to beat a dementia-addled orange geriatric with historical unpopularity ratings that's constantly saying retarded shit but you're convinced that you have to appease twitter wokies so you lose. Twice.

How the fuck are these our only options?

Makes me want to go out and form the new "No Retards Allowed and Also No More Retarded Shit" party and run for president.

I'd probably win in a landslide tbh.

this is what sassy old women think is appealing lol