The Texas Governor, tired of rolling his wheelchair through human shit and needles, gives the state's capitol city an ultimatum. Re-ban sleeping or face the wrath of the Texas legislature - prepare for national stories on Nov 1 and an eventual SCOTUS battle

54  2019-10-11 by NMJ87


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  1. The Texas Governor, tired of rollin... -,

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Actual footage of me when my Portland-in-Texas sister comes up with a great title.

I'm paywalled but I don't even have to read this shit because we had our own insanity here. Details for anyone who wants to dig in but it's a really long story. Basically Portland built a jail, decided it didn't need it, and then the government has tried really really hard to keep it from being modified to be a homeless shelter. They're going to blow up a $50 million building because... rich people think that the homeless would turn up their noses at it or something?


Hating poor people is a national American past-time.

And that’s 100% unironically a good thing

>implying Austin isn't already too far gone anyway

Fuck Texas

Austin is a shithole anyways this wouldn’t fix anything