Hate-filled brogrammers of Stack Overflow rise up when politely asked to use correct pronouns

16  2019-10-11 by Roquetteman


I eat ur gay ass reddiquette for breakfast and shit it out on Alexis Ohanian's wife stomach while having kinky sex with her


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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The SO drama looks like it's finally reached its apex. -300 downvotes is truly unprecedented.

What went wrong for SO?

SO used to be simple - you'd ask a programming question and someone would answer it. It rapidly became the number one tool for programmers, to the extent where every programmer will always have half a dozen SO tabs open in Chrome.

Then a few years ago some genius at SO HQ decided that they should expand and open forums for non-programming topics, in an attempt to get more clicks and create communities, rather than the sterile, almost-anonymous environment of the programming forum.

It turns out that when you open new forums on a programming website, you form communities of only the most autistic programmers. The kind of people who think "I'd like to make friends with other programmers online". My personal favourite is the Interpersonal Skills forum, which contains the most clueless people you will ever meet. Such recent questions include:

SO should close all these forums and stick to programming.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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I had never heard of this site until recently, but damn it feels great to watch a ship burn before sinking

On the one hand I hate gender bullshit, on the other hand I love how much rage it induces. Guess I am a radical centrist after all.

Q9: Do I have to use pronouns I’m unfamiliar or uncomfortable with (e.g., neopronouns like xe, zir, ne... )?

Yes, if those are stated by the individual.

Oh for fuck's sake. Pronoun drama is boring but this is just stupid and rife for abuse.

What the fuck are neopronouns (and no that's not an invitation for someone to tell me). It's especially interesting because SO has forums for every major religion; a true /r/drama poster would be creating an account on the Islam forum right now and making them use pronouns.

I've actually seen a case, in general discussion around neopronouns, where someone mentioned an example and someone else said "please keep this discussion to real pronouns, it's not helpful to use made-up ones as an example" only to realise that those were actually real (accepted) neopronouns.

Lmao, this is going to be a disaster.

Petition to have /r/drama relocate to SO. We can generate enough drama to fuel this subreddit for years.