Ban him

25  2019-10-11 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


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I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. Ban him -,,

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>lame wannabe mod with a fucking game of thrones username snitching on literal children

Am I in SRD?

I had this name before Game Of Thrones

>7 month account

>A Game Of Thrones published 1996

>Game Of Thrones tv show premiered 2011

My dad gave me this name

Do foids actually send tit pics on reddit?

Imagine wondering this in good faith

Maybe one day pizza.

I get all the tit pics i want.

Ugh sounds copish fyi

I'm sure some do. There's a shit ton of people here that like to post themselves or their partners naked.

Its like hanging outside a mental hospital trying to get laid

schools dont allow webkinz to be played due to gambling. who thinks a shooter would be allowed

They already allow shooters in American schools retard.

You don't get it. Jannies don't ban people for actually being underaged. They just want someone to beg them for being unbanned. They just want to feel power over someone. They probably had a bad day at work, a customer complained and their boss keelhauled them. They don't have power anywhere else, their mom has the power at home, their girlfriend has the power in the bed. Why else would they do it for free?

Bad day at work


There was an episode of degrassi where they started a video game “sports” team and one of the gamers ended up being a school shooter lol

Wait degrassi had a 2nd school shooting story line? Aslo I STILL WANT MY DRAKE SMILING AT HIS BONER FLAIR, MODS. This is somehow all connected.

It was in the canceled “next class” which ran for two seasons on Netflix and was stupidly w0ke

Does every ep end on a super depressing note?

Mostly on teachable moments so yes

Like the time Emma got a std from blowing some guy in a van down by the river? OR when Shane did a bunch of acid and did header off a bridge, leaving Spike to be a single teen mother that raises a daughter that blows guys in a van down by the river? OR when CLaude finally did the world a favor and blew half his face off. Fuck Claude. joey and caitlin 4 ever.

REMINDER: Esports is written correctly as esports ಠ_ಠ

Is that automod programmed by redeye??