Latinx author writes book about how wypipo are bad. Mayos are not having it

66  2019-10-11 by Bionic29


Since when is promotion of gangbang considered as "sexual threat"?


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Bahahhaha. This is totally individualized. First of all. And people don't change, second of all. You should never ever ever get online and preach again. You don't understand reality at all.

People are the exact same they were 1000 years ago, you fucking psycho. People don't change kid. Grow the fuck up and stop whining so much. Your life is your fault. You've been given opportunity most everyone from the past 20,000 years could only dream of. You're a loser and we didn't do it. We tried to help. You did it. You are that


  1. Latinx author writes book about how... -,

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Harsh but true

White people, when will they learn

she's kinda cute

bet she loves white cock

I'm sure she does, but only Trump supporters. She likes to pretend that she's crossing the border illegally and that I'm an ICE agent... if you know what I'm saying.



Thanks for letting me in the country and providing me an education now let me tell you why you suck

Imagine being so fragile that someone saying the magical phrase "white privilege" inspires book burning and ragesturbating.

imagine doing anything other than rolling your eyes and maybe laughing at some retarded wokefoid saying retarded shit

Yeah because the country is white people

You never came in the country because you're white

She came in the country even if she is a Tejano who's family had been here before the American revolution

People who come in the country do not have equal rights as other citizens to be social critics, they must mindlessly adulate the minority ethic group to avoid hurting their feeling

And the majority ethnic group can keep her attitude in mind when contemplating future immigration

Stay mad honkie

Latin-X: Now with RGB and hyperpipe cooling technology.

White people make everything about them.

Mayos mad, what's new. I'm getting tired waiting for the mayocide

Oh God, this was my university. We finally made it to drama 😭

Hail Southern

GATA (not thatI gave a fuck).

This is good for her. She'll be able to get on television and maybe even Oprah thanks to these troglodytes.