man going the incel way gets the ladies wet wiped

34  2019-10-11 by WhiteTearsForFears


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It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. man going the incel way gets the la... -,

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I'd happily take my gf always looking less attractive if it meant we actually left at the time I told her hours ago that we need to leave at.

This but without a shred of irony. Also I don't want Barely Tested Cosmetic Chemical #83 running around in my stomache and blood

Oh I'm not being ironic either. I hate when we get ready to leave and it takes me 2 minutes and she takes 2 hours.

She's putting on a front and you're bending over to take it.

I feel your pain.

But seriously, fuck wet wipes.

They are a godsend.. Fuck you

That's funny, I'll have to save it for when a wyman gets mad at me.

Everything I have attempted to post to shower thoughts gets nuked by the robot - typically funny stuff

This guy gets through though