My Attorney's Getting Arrested

40  2019-10-11 by The_Reason_Pete_Wins


Q: "Do you think Rudy will get indicted?"

Daddy: "I hope not"


Name one person in the Trump administration dumber than Rudy.

I don't get it. Isn't he worth like 50 million dollars? And wasn't he beloved by most the country for his terms of mayor during 9/11? He could just live life as beloved mega millionaire but now he wants to get arrested and be hated lmao.

Guys like this don't leave well enough alone. He could have stayed out of it but decided he needed to feel important.

In case people here didn't know, the reason he fabricated those Ukraine conspiracies about Biden and 2016 is because he, himself, was involved in corruption over there and needed to save himself.

It blew up in his face though and now he's fucked.

In case people here didn't know, the reason he fabricated those Ukraine conspiracies about Biden and 2016 is because he, himself, was involved in corruption over there and needed to save himself.

“Hunter Biden 100% got the job by himself!”

- 🍕🐚 2019

Hunter Biden used his fathers name to profit.

Everything else is fake news, provably so.

Kinda sounds like corrupt nepotism to me. 🤷‍♂️

No, because unless you have some evidence Biden personally was involved, it's not relevant.

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I think we should nominate Rudy to drama sainthood.

Rick Perry gives him some competition.

Sorry man. This isn't halal. You're going to have to remove it.


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I really hope Ivanka is somehow entangled in this and gets prison time. I'm fundamentally against family separation, and Jared will be lonely.

I really hope Ivanka is somehow entangled in this and gets prison time. I’m fundamentally against family separation, and Jared Daddy will be lonely.

She can sensually please both, dummy.

So can but Daddy will be more lonely than Jared

My Second Attorney is Getting Arrested


Giuliani is the Terminator 2 of Daddy lawyer sequels.

Goddamn did that age well.

This belongs in a museum.

This presidency will eventually be made into a sitcom. The president and his pals get into shenanigans, get caught, and then somehow get themselves off the hook as if nothing happened. I look forward to another four years of democrats trying to make mountains out of mole hills and having it blow up in their face or fizzle out while Trump tweets insults at them.

Yeah but the writing has gone to shit. They're literally repeating plotlines from last season

I didn't hear anyone complaining about the 3 or 4 failed dinner parties on Frasier every season. This is what the viewers tune in to enjoy.

You're telling me that fifty million screaming fans are never wrong

I'm telling you that fifty million screaming fans are fucking morons

It gets repetitive when the failed dinner party theme is "Niles ruins the borscht" one season then "Niles ruins the Chicken Kiev" the next.

We were all waiting for "The Flambe Ruins Niles" episode with the burn ward that they failed to produce.

I unironically hope one of these streaming services throws enough money at Kelsey Grammar to make it happen.

Better than Game of Thrones. Less plot armor.