God why don’t the incels and the foids just fuck each other already

75  2019-10-11 by Ghdust2


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homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


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Only if the kid is lucky ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Title on point.

Let's start a pretentious dating app and pit them against eachother.

Worst case: they realize they both have no social skills and the date flubs, still got them clicks.

Best case: they realize they both have no social skills and they fuck, still got them clicks.

Best case: they realize they both have no social skills and they fuck

That way lead towards people that really shouldn't reproduce having kids and thus it's a worse case scenario.

Have you been anywhere lately?

Let's be real.

Most people would die this winter without some kind of technological hand holding.

All this potentially profitable app would do is prolong the inevitable. Just like any piece of infastructure.

Most people would die this winter without some kind of technological hand holding.

Yet another proof daddy teddy was right.

Teddy was an honest asshole.

He wanted nature to sort people out.

Nature teaches you the truth or let's you become the soil for others to try to and test themselves.


-10k BC really. Stick and stone can break my bones, but the agricultural revolution ruin my brain.

BMI dating app.

There we proved it you're all fat now go congregate somewhere and birth a star.

At the end of the day, they are both obnoxious groups

radcentpilled 😎👍

Lol they're so dumb

“I hope he doesn’t have weird hang ups about past exes that he won’t go to a therapist about but expects me to listen to him complain about.”


This keeps happening to me! I’ve spent so much time on first dates talking about guys’ exes. WHY?

Cause they were raised by single mothers

So many times...guys have approached me like 'input action = receive desired response", like it's some kind of robotic song and dance that will end with their dick getting wet if they take the right steps. And then when it doesn't work immediately they start stumbling.

Ummm alright then bitch, I didn't even like you anyway

The irony is they describe their own programming so well. Literally all it is is “say men r bad, receive updoots, cry about not having a bf”

If they didn’t get attention they’d complain about men not coming up to them. Then again they’re redditors they make this shit up because they’re fatties that all own cats

Why are these people so gross

Why don't you?

In my experience women are perfectly logically nearly all of the time.



A better question would be why don't incels save up their money and fuck a stripper instead?

Some do

They should fr get their money up and get a 3rd world g*rl if it's supposedly "over" for them 😒


I hope she likes me for who I am and isn't mean to me


fuck you loser, get therapy

lmao, it never even began