I want to be clear: our relationships in China had no influence on our decision

280  2019-10-12 by AI_WAIFU


I like to think that everyone shitty on the Left is just a troll account created and maintained by Barron Trump, attempting to use his mammoth brain to make centrists vote Daddy 2020. Because if these people actually exist, and have these strange opinions that so many people supposedly might have, then I'll have to actually vote for Daddy, given he's the option most likely to put these fucking people in camps.

But I'm wise to you, Barron: you'll never actually make me vote.


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Then that's even worse. If they didn't ban the gaymer for crimes against China, then it was just their shitty policies. Now other shittier gaymer companies like Epic Games are taking the moral high ground.

Who cares what gamers do, let them fucking rip each other apart until there’s no more.

Then me and my African kings and queens will finally leave our solitude and establish dominance

You literally posted four hours ago in the ghost recon sub



I wouldn’t have done it but the temptation of that smug post combined with the fact it’s his second most recent post was too good to ignore

using post history to judge people is encouraged, not shamed, here

It should be done naturally though. No performance enhancing plugins.

hes is a twitch viewer too!



Wait, so your people are being subjugated by....gaymers? I got some bad news for you...

Then me and my African kings and queens will finally leave our solitude and establish dominance

Africa is a Chinese colony now bitch.


Lol silence for days, only to release a letter that is the PR speak to end all PR speak.

They honestly would have been better off refusing to say anything about it ever again.

Well yeah, waiting until Friday 5:30pm was an intentional move.

They probably would've gotten away with keeping quiet if Blizzcon wasn't a couple of weeks away. :v

And to think, last year it was "Dont you guys own a phone?" that everybody though would be the end of Blizztard lol

my drama needs will not be satisfied unless all media attention during blizzcon becomes about dozens of sweaty nerds cosplaying an overwatch foid waving hong kong flags out front

I will ascend when some sweat nerd awkwardly tries to go up to a wow panel and say "do you get inspiration from historical events in your writing? For instance did the Tianamin square incident in 1989 when China massacred thousands of their own citizens inform your writing of Sylvannas? mic drop" but is only able to squeak out "mumble mumble tianamin mas.. Tianamin square.. Mumble mumbleawkwardly pushes away"

Yeah, those people last year saying Blizzard was selling out to chicom for bugbux were like so totally ridiculous n shit

It was the end for that game, at least.

That was the interview that finally out all D3 cels out of their misery.

J Allen Brack is the absolute worst at managing angry people. He's the one who said WoW fans think they want classic but they don't. He's that giant autist that takes over every conversation and has no idea why everyone hates him.

He's the one who said WoW fans think they want classic but they don't

He was right about that

Yeah, I'm sure he's really regretting the fact that the monthly subscriptions tripled.

And how many of the people playing it do you think even made it to 60? And even if you make it to 60 there's no reason to keep playing because because the hardest content in the game can be cleared when half the raid isn't even max level.

So? If morons are still paying that all they want

My point is that they're not still playing.

Lol look at the server populations. Imagine being salty over someone playing a video game. You're a big fat nerd.

Implying I'm salty or wrong. You think even 10% of the people who ree'd when he said they didn't want it are still playing it?

Scoreboard man. It's already been over a month and 90% of the servers are still high to full. And the new servers hold a lot more than the old ones. Keep reeing, salty retailers make me laugh.

Lmao I’ve been subbed to bfa for like a total of 4 months

WTF are you sperging over?

Implying I'm salty or wrong.

No one implied you were salty or wrong.

They plainly stated it that you being salty and wrong was an observable, objective fact.

Words mean things, you know.

IDK man, bunch of people I know have forsaken their families and returned to the basement like they are in college again over this.

Spoken like a true faggot, respect

Tripling from end of expansion bfa could have been accomplished with a toon town quality game.

Nigger, classic is a massive success, lmfao. What are you smoking?

🙄 it’s been out for like 2 months obviously the initial Numbers are going to be high but a ton of people have already stopped playing and those numbers are going to keep going down because classic is way shittier than most people who wanted it remember

That doesn't sound like an assmad fanboy's cope AT ALL, fam

Lmao if I were a fanboy wouldn’t I be praising classic🤔

Nah you sound like an assmad retail fanboy. I'm sorry that went over your head.

It didn’t go over my head it just doesn’t make sense for someone to be specifically a retail fanboy.

Anyway I just fucking hate classic because it’s objectively terrible 😤

Suuuuuuuuuuuure buddy

Every critic since the beginning agreed it would be popular for a little while. Come back 6 months in.

Yeah yeah and 6 months in come back in a year and in a year come back when I come up with another place to stick the goalpost.

I can't even tell what happened. Are they giving him his prize money back? Are they reducing his ban from a full year to 6 months? Are they reversing the caster firing to be a 6 month ban?

I honestly have trouble understanding what that person was writing.

They’re giving him his money and reducing his ban to 6 months you idiot. That statement is the equivalent of 8th grade reading material.

it reads like it was straight from google translate

Probably was, translating from chinese ain't easy.

We now believe he should receive his prizing.

Native english speakers don't say prizing.

That statement is the equivalent of 8th grade reading material.

It certainly reads like an 8th Grader wrote it.

Thinking Globally, Leading Responsibly,

Every Voice Matters

The way he abused, twisted, and shat on these phrases was masterful.

Option 1. Don’t say anything about the controversy and bank on the goomers forgetting

Option 2. Issue a non-apology so transparently bullshit that even the most retarded goomer can see how much of a non-apology it is and guarantee that they talk about it more.

Option2 better for dramacoin

blizzcon is too close at this point. There's no outcome where it's not going to be a shitshow at this point.

personally I can't wait to watch the drama unfold.

What I'm excited for is when the Chinese team plays at the Overwatch event. I really want someone to sneak in pro-Hong Kong stuff and get kicked out. The crème de la crème would be if a Chinese attendee or player freaked out on some pro-Hong Konger or something.

if the site-post time and the twitter post are the same: note that they released this statement 20 minutes AFTER after-hours trading ended for Acti-Blizzard stock

It took 3 days to release this because that's how long it took for them to get the go-ahead from the chinese government.


I'm not racist BUT

Translation :

Wi Tu Lo

Ho Lee Fuk

Bang Ding Ow

You guys are really being unfair claiming that the Tencent investment has something to do with this. I'm sure they would have caved under Chinese pressure even without it.

Tencent only owns 5%, this was a decision made by the majority owners

Think Globally; Lead Responsibly; and importantly, Every Voice Matters

Imagine the hours long conference meeting it took to come up with this slogan in order to sound as insincere and dystopian as possible.

I can't wait for blizzcon

See you there! 😘

Based. 🇨🇳

Man, where were you when you realized the Chinese won the cultural war years ago and we didn't even notice?

Dramacoin cannot stop booming

Posted on Oct11, at 5:20PM PST, yet the post says Oct 12... what country is on the other side of the dateline?

Esports exist to create opportunities for players from around the world, from different cultures, and from different backgrounds, to come together to compete and share their passion for gaming. It is extremely important to us to protect these channels and the purpose they serve: to bring the world together through epic entertainment, celebrate our players, and build diverse and inclusive communities.

*Offer not valid in Hong Kong or Tibet

404'd lmao