Actually I think all the weather effects are meant to be a callback to “The Storm” within the QAnon sub culture. Images of literal storms, and lightning symbols were a core part of the first great Boomering of Anon at the r/CBTS_stream subreddit, and word is that the new 8kun website is going to be catered toward qultists specifically.
1 SnapshillBot 2019-10-12
Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 KaaraRaven 2019-10-12
Lmao it's like a shitty MLG gamer intro
1 MG87 2019-10-12
You know they already fucked their budget with that too
1 AlecOzzyHillPitas 2019-10-12
Actually I think all the weather effects are meant to be a callback to “The Storm” within the QAnon sub culture. Images of literal storms, and lightning symbols were a core part of the first great Boomering of Anon at the r/CBTS_stream subreddit, and word is that the new 8kun website is going to be catered toward qultists specifically.
1 The_Reason_Pete_Wins 2019-10-12
That seems so long ago now.
I'm glad the Qtards are making a comeback. They're very hilariously retarded
1 somestupidname1 2019-10-12
Which Fiverr did they pay to make this for them?
1 somegurk 2019-10-12
Way better than what I was expecting clicking play, I like the don't step on me snake.
1 YourLocalMonarchist 2019-10-12
the link will apparently be
I'm expecting peak pearl clutching when it goes online
1 HopInsideMyForeskin 2019-10-12
This is cringe, would go to 4chan but it's filled with whiteboi bussy threads