Can black people be racist?

64  2019-10-13 by insicknessanddeath


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I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Can black people be racist? -,

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You can only be racist against dicklets according to FWR, they hate it when people make fun of small white penises 🤔

Indeed 🧐

Not one single group of human beings have come close to what white people have done.

Clearly this man has never looked at anything to do with Asia

Not even close

And to try and justify what they have done by saying but wait look over there one group of people killed 1000s of another group so its ok. It happens all the time.


White people are responsible for BILLIONS of the BIPOC community being murdered and enslaved. And u may say thats all in the past but i assure you it is not. Members of my community get 10 years for getting high while members of the white community get 10 years for walking inti some ones house and murding them ( she will be out in less then 5 years) and the judge is weaping, hugging her and gives her her own bible.

Yeah blacks smoke the dope once and they get ten years in jail

The privalged world whites live in WILL come to an end.


Someone have this man talk to Tariq so he can get his talking points straight and realize American blacks hate all immigrants and all other kinds of blacks.

Lmao ghengis khan apparently didnt exist to these people. And of course they ignore the rwandan genocide. Total morons.

And they, just like you, always ignore my man Pol Pot. Not to mention the japs slaying the chinamen during WW2. Or the litany of other genocides in Africa, doesn’t anyone remember Darfur????

Ottoman Empire too

The slavs deserved everything coming for them.

kellere confirmed as roach

Ghengis Khan was white 🧐

Lmao this guy copes. The Jews will never lose power


Fuck this shit.

What does that stand for?

Black, Indigenous and People of Color. As if the previous two are not POC, or they are somehow even more "POC" than other POCs.

BIPOC community. Because every race is united in a harmonious alliance formed to purge the world of shitey whitey.

The fact they separated B and I from the rest is enough for me to conclude that I should not take them seriously.

Why are you serious responding to an obvious bait troll? We should be celebrating this guy.

Black people can do anything that white people can!


I wholeheartedly agree that black people are by far too stupid, incompetent, disorganized, violent, and generally antisocial to ever be capable of enacting either the achievements or the atrocities of white people.

I was talking to Kaffin about this

He and I were talking about.. well I was ranting at him about how all content moderation is authoritarian

Anyway I came to the realization during that conversation that all moderators are white.

This is when I decided that white genocide was a good thing.

Most of the far-right extremists are white, most of the far-left extremist are white, most moderators are white.

that means most people showing authoritarian tendencies in current times in America are white

We have to die for the good of humanity and hope that the rest of the species doesn't figure out the mistakes we made so that they cannot make them as well.

Uighur. I bet you’ve never even seen the word. That’s the name of the Muslims that are being silenced

You can’t even fucking spell privilege

I’m not sure if you can tell, but I’m not black. However, that does not make me white. The sheer ignorance that you have displayed makes me so unbelievably upset. You proceed to play the victim time and time again without acknowledging my points. Yes, white oppression could very well be the best example of systematic racism, but you can’t target individuals now because of their ancestors because that is racism, which is not what this sub is about. You are finding your racist ideals by treating white people like shit, and refusing my points because you THOUGHT I was white. That’s beyond fucked up


I'm always amused at how many people choose that hill to die on. Nobody normal uses that definition of racism outside of really specific soft "science" papers. Even my more social justice inclined friends and family don't care about how you use the word racism.

This guys username is NPC-624007 seems like he might be putting on an act

Yep I'm a retard for not getting that

The modern meaning and usage of racism was invented by Marxist wishing to use minority rights as a way to create a section of the population that is anti-state revolutionarys.

Change my mind.

Yeah people preferring those with similar genetic inclinations and cultural backgrounds as them isn't evil. Not many black smart fans of Theodore