Prof: SpongeBob perpetuates 'violent, racist' acts against indigenous people

86  2019-10-13 by Sai22


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Somebody ping MasterLawlz

By the powers vested in me by my abnormal chromosome count, I summon thee, Master of Lawlz!


It’s actually fucked up for real what we did to Bikini Atoll’s inhabitants, and though sociological reads of pop culture are annoying I think I have to stand against Campus Reform being much much more annoying on this one.

They're all on welfare and living on the government's dime.

Yeah bro - because we literally nuked their society. They had a highly structured and unique culture before we moved all of them of of their homeland.

The entire argument hinges on the fact the assertion that Americans aren't entitled to indigenous lands, when that has not been established as a cultural norm in burgerland and thus nobody cares.

When the land that you stole that was stolen from somebody else that was stolen from somebody else that was stolen from somebody else that was stolen from somebody else that was stolen from somebody else that was stolen from somebody else that was stolen from somebody else that was stolen from somebody else...

Gets stolen from you so you demand that the burgers give it back

Now I can see why the commies killed the “academics” first.

broken clocks

Does that mean the commie academics are gonna start purging themselves soon?

One can hope

I’m pretty sure the original backstory was that Spongebob and the other sea creatures were mutants created by the radiation.

imagine my surprise this dumb take was written by some she-mayo

I am guessing that her next project will be about the inherent cruelty to an indigenous wild canine species due to defective products manufactured by Acme Inc. Very explosive stuff indeed.


My ancestors were kicked off their land to make way for a landfill, but no anthropology professor cares about that, because we're not the correct shade.