Gamers are finally rising up

53  2019-10-13 by LiberalKiwi


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Bungie got out of this crock of shit at literally the perfect time, my god

You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. Gamers are finally rising up -,

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Protip to anyone following this shitshow: Blizz tries to make you pay for access to the stream, but every year g*mers on Twitch will also stream the event alongside their soyface reactions as a less preferable but free alternative. :>

I cringe hard when I see just the highlights, why would anyone suffer the whole thing?!

I bet ghazi is seething at all the positivr attention gamers are getting now.. They were supposed to shoot up the joker movie but they are protesting against commie China and the whole internet is behind them (for now)

Srdines were defending china that's how bad it is

Defending an actively genocidal regime to own the goomers

If I ever find myself agreeing with SRDines on anything, I immediately assume I'm wrong and then change my opinion.

I actually enjoyed the little side convo about wrestling. I'd like to see more of that around here.

Hell hath no fury like a gamer scorned