weekly boomerpost #2

276  2019-10-13 by Rentokill_boy


Nailed it, gonna send this one to my libtard nephew!

-Phil in Tallahassee

Sent from my Huawei Mate 9 Lite

The good: high quality editing, meme isn't fried beyond all recognition, good visuals

The bad: low-quality topic, no hilarious watermarks or spelling errors

Strong 6 to light 7 out of 10

I love unironic boomer memes. I actually have a nice collection of them. This is by far my favorite. Posted by a very conservative Catholic boomer from California, but originally from Louisiana.

oh my lord

if it's a blessing from jesus why does it look like it's been faxed from hell

I have no idea. I can't even figure out how the image is relevant to the message. It looks like a smiling black woman wearing sunglasses. I don't get it at all and it's beautiful.

I didn’t even realize I should be collecting. Best time to start is now I guess lol 😆

still better than lefty memes tbh

Is there anything that isn't?

Where’s the lie

I'm always down for a major increase in my life.

Follow @pdiddy3004 on instagram

Ye but boomers dont understand photoshop so I would say the high quality is a negative

What if global warming is primarily caused by natural and not man-made causes and we’d be needlessly switching to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources?

What if Superman was raised by the Wayans’ and he became a black comedian?

That did happen tho

We'd still be better off in the long run, because even if fossil fuels don't affect the climate, they're still a finite resource.

Not really, if one is a market person switching away for a mistaken reason will still use to less efficient use of resources.


not talking about efficiency

you can be as efficient as you want with fossil fuels but they're still finite. eventually you'll have to move onto something else

Economic efficiency, most resources are finite but people still "benefit" in economic terms from their optimal use, restricting the use of fossil fuels will in economic utility land harm people by leading to a non efficient outcome (think how fossil fuels helped in rapid industrialization, that effect will lessen now) and while I obviously disagree both with people being using it well and with increased industrial capability, lol

Are you just trying to use big words you don’t understand?

In fairly land economics, the market is rational. Therefore it uses all resources as efficiently as possible, maximizing total utility. If one is forced to use resources in a way that is potentially irrational (believing climate change while it isn't true, as original comment hypothesized), resources may be used non optimally and utility may not be maximized - thus people wouldn't benefit, even tho it seemed they would

However utility isn't real and reality TV shows that consumers aren't rational so who carss

Are you making a case for slavery? 👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿

I've read it several times and I have no idea what he's getting at

Let's say the market has one barrel of oil left. And assume the market is perfectly rational. If a law was enacted requiring slow use of oil, we'd use that barrel slowly over the next 500 years. Without that law, we might use it all in the next year to help us manufacture more solar panels, and thus be "better off" in the long run

You're assuming that the West DOESN'T want coal dependent nations like China to slow down development

Silicone, aluminum and glass for solar panels are finite resources too buddy

What is "recycling" for $5000, Alex?

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is resource finity Real Hahahaha Nigga Just throw it in The trash Like Nigga just recycle it.

yes but solar panels aren't used up at a rate of a gallon per 30 miles are they

Also the suggestion that glass is finite on human timescales is laughable

Also the suggestion that glass is finite on human timescales is laughable

Then how about we just restrict the use of petroleum to Americans only? Problem solved.

Socialist insidiousness knows no bounds

because itll cost a shitload and fuck over the people that live there and also we dont really have any better energy sources yet

just spitballing

The gulf states will return to being goat herders in the desert as the Judeo-Christian god intended.

You guys need to get some brain. I've been living in Elmore County since I was born (67 years ago come this November 19th) and I ain't never seen the summers or the winters change none. Like my grandpappy used to say "you can fight the weather, but your not gonna amount to more than a fart in a windstorm."

God rest his soul, he is right to this day. I farm onions with big tractors and ain't no cabana girl congresswoman from New York is gonna stop me hahahahahahahahaha

Hell yeah, go weeeeeetumpka

Oh my god! The Sorosbergs are fucking melting!!!!!

I went out for some drinks after I saw Pearl Harbor and ran into an Asian acquaintance of mine. I may have been a bit hopped up on booze and patriotism because before I knew it, I yelled "This is for Pearl Harbor!" and drunk luck connected on a quick rabbit punch. "I'm Chinese, you fucking retard!" He said. "Chinese, Japanese, same shit." I mumbled.

I turned back to finish my drink before the bouncer reached me. Instead, I hear "This is for the Titanic!" before the Chinese guy roped a haymaker to side of my head. "That was a fucking iceberg, you dumb shit!" As the bouncer starts dragging me off, I just heard a laugh followed by, "Iceberg, Goldberg, same shit."

Lmao, this is your best work.


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. weekly boomerpost #2 - archive.org, archive.today

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Hahahah can you imagine thinking thunberg is a pawn being used to push a political agenda. She was clearly given so much attention bc of her incredible accomplishments. The rightoid cope is unreal at this point

Lol, rightoids don't listen to scientists either. The issue isn't the girl, it's that she's saying things right-wingers don't like.

Remember when the left lost its mind over a child smirking at a mob of violent basketballs and a racist old feather head?

Ok? That was stupid too, not really sure what your point is. But if you want to go back, the political right has been sperging over children for years.

They've literally attacked the victims of mass shootings for no relevant reason other than "hey maybe we should have some form of gun control."

That's what made that whole maga tard kid fiasco hilarious, because the conservative outrage machine had been cranked up to maximum to attack children multiple times, and then pretended going after that maga tard kid was some great offense.

Lmao, you're actually too pizzashill to understand the difference between children used as political human shields for leftoid political causes on CNN and children attacked by the deranged left for wearing the evil red hat in public anywhere.

"these kids that were shot up in a school decided to call for gun control, the political right then viciously attacked and smeared the victims of a mass shooting, but that's totally not as bad as the media sperging at a retard in a maga hat."

Let's all just kiss, make up, and head over to /r/ENLIGHTENEDCENTRISM . I'll bring the pumpkin lattes.

Imagine thinking it's appropriate to go to an American war cemetery wearing Old Bonespurs' hat.

All that aside, I think we all know why your shilling for this young autistic girl. She’s essentially your spitting image except female.

Dropper, there might have been a time in the past where I cared about the rantings of a mentally ill fent addict that thinks pizzagate is real, climate change is fake, and the globalists are oppressing his people, but those days are long gone.

Well that a complete misrepresentation of my beliefs, first off. And What does that have to do with sharing the FAS face of this Child provocateur 🤔

No, that's a representation of your beliefs. You are quite literally one of the lowest information, least educated people I have ever encountered online.

Coap. Ur just seething bc in my post about Pakistan everyone is calling you an r-slur

The best part about you dropper is you have no idea what people think of you lmao.

No that’s some grade A projection professorlolcowphd 😂😂😂

Actually insane how oblivious you are.

being this mind broken by an adolescent FAS mutant

The absolute state

why do leftys think its a conspiracy theory that billionaire philanthropists give money to causes they like lol

It's not that it's a conspiracy, it's that it doesn't matter.

Yet every time an organization has received money from the Koch brothers the lefties screech about the astroturfing. To me this image just points out the left's inconsistency.

The koch brothers literally fund misleading movements with a vested interest in hurting people.

This girl is pushing a scientific consensus.

The Koch brothers are funding scientific denial and extremism.

These are not the same thing.

Okey dokey sweetheart.

Literally objective reality.

How dare anyone question the scientific consensus! We have used the rigorous scientific method to ensure accuracy and will not allow you to question our findings.

That's basically what the royal science academy said to everyone who thought the world was round. They also said this to people who thought that the earth wasn't the center of the universe.

Skepticism used to be a good thing, until people made a religion out of climate change.

Going by your retarded boomer logic people being 'skeptical' of the Earth's roundness is a good thing now

I'm glad that was your takaway.

Skepticism doesn't mean denying overwhelming empirical evidence that says you're wrong.

As for the rest of this, it's basically a giant science was wrong before fallacy:


The second problem is one of the most important. Of course scientists have been wrong in the past, because science is inherently a process of proving other scientists wrong. That’s how science works. It would be a terrible thing if scientists were never wrong because that would mean that science had come to a standstill and was no longer advancing. Here’s the important thing though, scientists are always proved wrong by other scientists! Major scientific principles aren’t overthrown by people with no scientific training sitting on their couch and speculating! New scientific discoveries are made by scientists, not bloggers, not people who have never set foot in a lab. There is no universe in which someone’s uneducated opinion is just as valid as the results of countless peer-reviewed studies.

You aren't a "skeptic" you're just a clown. I'm a skeptic, I look at what the evidence says before I form an opinion. I don't say "wow, lots of evidence for this thing, but my tribe really doesn't want it to be true, therefore it must not be true."

I'm not at all denying climate change, I'm denying the narrative that "the science is settled there is no reason to test the hypothesis anymore"

Ok, but you and people like you are not presenting any new scientific evidence to refute the consensus.

You're simply declaring the established consensus incorrect because reasons.

I'm not declaring anything incorrect. You seem to have a reading comprehension issue.

Then why are you attempting to dismiss factual information?

We both know what you were doing bud.

Oh, you can read minds? That's awesome.

I've been dealing with climate deniers for a long time.

Or people that you assume are without knowing anything, whatever you say Greta.

The koch brothers literally fund misleading movements with a vested interest in hurting people.

unlike my fav philanthropist who only funds good wholesome things like pushing tax increases on westerners and destroying thailands economy

Most of the population supports tax increases on the wealthy.

lmao no i said westerners

rich people arent going to be taxed its the middle class thatll be forced to fund minorities

I always love when Boomers and the right go after children; like this 16 year old girl. Though, its best when they are insulting and threatening mass school shooting survivors. As if they are shocked that kids and parents whose friends and family were just massacred by some mayo kid are for stricter gun controls,.

It's honestly fantastic that of all the child figureheads they could have chosen for climate change, they chose a grating thundersperg with FAS