How to be a Vegan Activist on Reddit

144  2019-10-13 by tcpip4lyfe


Reddit communities do NOT tolerate direct agenda pushing.

t. vegan retard

"Its not agenda pushing when we do it"

Every activist / extremist ever

I have a theory that vegans are the most active, most organized brigade on reddit. They make T_D look like absolute amateurs. I went down a rabbit hole today after a mini meltdown in this thread:

The OP of that thread has 4 MILLION internet points and it's all cute pics of animals. Let's take a deep dive on the comments of a couple super-normal-not-brigaded-at-all threads:

Then there is their Discord server:

It's funny cuz when I was reading the article their examples of "good" titles were crazy familiar. That style of title/content is super common around here.

Fucking vegans, tbh


What has happened to the /r/Iowa subreddit? It was always a tad bit smug in it's political bend, but lately they've just been absolutely insufferable.

Iowa is the true deepstate.

I was a mod there for 5+ years. I quit because of the constant political shit getting spammed. You'd see a huge increase right before the caucuses and as long as it leaned left, the users were lapping it up. Didn't matter if it had anything to do with Iowa. Once I removed a shareblue article about Bernie or some shit and ended up with people PMing me death threats.

I rarely post there anymore. Me and the other former mod tried to slow it, but the circlejerk was just too strong.
Grandpa Tick-Tock (RIP) created /r/ShitIowaSays and /r/The_Iowa back in the day. He was right all along...

If you were head mod you should've just started banning them

I did. They just created accounts and started in with "MODS ARE LITERALLY HITLER."

With out ed we may never get another grandpa tiktok reveal


I always suspected something like this. It's scary how the smallest of vegan-related threads will usually get brigaded by 10+ users within the span of minutes, all with hundreds of hours worth of veganposting in their histories.

Oh, they were the most brigade happy subreddit. I remember even some of the worst powermods calling them out when the vegan mods complained about brigading.

How do you know someone's a vegan? They'll make sure to tell you.

Leta turn drama into a vegan honeypot!

The OP of that thread has 4 MILLION internet points and it's all cute pics of animals.

Yea that's been lnfinity's shtick for years. It's not like he's being nefarious about it. He's just a regular guy: /r/ lnfinity

He posts some cute animal gifs. I don't really see anything wrong with this. I regularly upvote his cow gifs and then eat steak the next day (sorry cows). If some people are persuaded to give up meat because of his gifs, good for him I say. It's a decent way to get a message across.

It's not like he's being nefarious about it.

Based on his comment history, I don't buy that for 1 second.

I don't even care about people being vegan. My GF is vegan. Just don't spam your agenda and pretend like it's an organic thing. No different than someone coming to the door and asking if I've heard the word of god today. I happen to enjoy $2.99/lb hamburger because I'm poor AF.

What's funny is, despite their blatant brigading tendencies, they are also extremely shit at hiding it. Their brigadier general, Infinity, is almost always guaranteed to be found seetheposting in the 'frontlines' whenever an r/Vegan raid is going on.

Every time I'm on normie subs I am quick to point out how utterly astro turfed is, and the response is always non-existent. My generation, and the newer one, like being told how to feel and what to do. God help us all honestly, reddit, and online communities in general, are a decent microcosm of society with a twist. Considering that is terrifying at times.

All generations like being told how to feel as long as it doesn't upend their life and the older generations had it even worse. Now a days you have to actively ignore sources that go against your biases. Before the interent and before cable with dozens of news channel you had a couple local news channels on tv and the local paper and that's where your news came from and they both usually toed the line for whatever politically acceptable locally. There was absolutely no kind of counter culture information available to the majority of people. You rarely heard "government bad" or shit about corruption, police shooting people, etc

Vegan deepstate

Looking at their list of dos and don'ts, looks like most vegans fail the test

I couldn’t stand SRD. The cringe there was suffocating. One idiot was whining about /r/drama being a doxxing paradise, others were circlejerking about how the sub leans slightly right but is really moderate. And as you note OP, they all fuckin whine about Daddy, altright, and idiots who can’t get laid.


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This one always makes me kek tbh

I have to say, this is the lowest effort of Hebrew engineering. They should have at least hidden this site behind a payroll only visible not on shabbos

May Allah break the backs of these disease-ridden rodents.

"Cows have best friends & become depressed when gone."

That's why you slaughter both cows and enjoy double the barbeque. So that no cow suffers that depression.

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Lot's of overlap between /r/iowa and /r/drama.

All the retards show up in the cute animal posts saying the same shit.

"This picture just made me want to go vegan..."

Some vegan dipshit shows up and shows them the light. What a joke.

Quality content exposing the nefarious dealings of Big Vegetable.

Really makes you think about how easy it is for a well-organised bunch of mentalists to totally steer the conversation.

Imagine putting together a website about using Reddit, and then thinking and writing those things on said website.

I hate we vegans and other retsrds claim no other mammal besides humans ingest milk after nursing. They're wrong. No other mammal farms milk and has it as a part of their daily diet but any predator that kills a nursing mammal is definitely lapping up that tiddy juice.