Private company.

76  2019-10-14 by mackson2000


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The only time I've ever given a shit about the nuances of f*male anatomy is when I was doing a hard guro/vore RP where I needed to remember how to spell the parts of her reproductive system that my character was eating.


  1. Private company. -,,

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Ye but no but its not ok when other people do it!

More free advertising

they should make their own sexuality tbh

Have the Ugandans not seen the empowering gay pride parades, the grade school drag queens or the recent democratic lgbtqarek+-# town hall

We need to fix Uganda. Jambo!!!

Just don't try to tell me it doesn't affect me. Our society's values affect me. What my kids are taught in school affects me. What my culture upholds as "normal" and "healthy" affects me. Sex offender Drag queens teaching little kids in my public library affects me. Ten year old boys encouraged to dress in drag and dance in gay bars affects me. Not being able to let my child receive counseling against same sex attraction affects me. Boys in my daughters locker room affects me. Men in the women's changing room affects me. Boys winning the girls championships affects me. Getting fined, fired, doxxed, or my kids taken away for my views affects me.

I used to be an ally. Now I am proudly a "bigot" . And there are many millions more of us than you are comfortable to admit.

You're a morally depraved aberration. You are sick or brainwashed or both.

Damn son, you didn't have to give him both barrels.

Holy fuck

god I wish we could ping. I want more of this man's hot takes.

World's largest tech corporations censor people based on political beliefs

World's largest financial companies flirt with cutting off payment processing for dissident political activists

World's largest entertainment companies openly root for FBI and CIA

I sleep

Chicken shop donates a 1999 Honda Civic to an anti-gay organization

Burn down the world

this, bussy unironically

More companies should go soft anti gay like CFA, it's boosting their revenue.

Because they legally have to or they wouldn't have a business at all.

This bitch retarded? They absolutely legally can discriminate against gays in the majority of the united states, and this is a huge talking point in woketivism.