r/news goes full r/conspiracy.

47  2019-10-14 by Ghdust2


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When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. r/news goes full r/conspiracy. - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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Just like with all of the Russia truther conspiracy theorists, the Neo liberal establishment will consider this conspiracy to be fact. A fake news article will be written by someone like vox, then every other (((news))) .org with reference that piece till it’s said enough that it’s considered fact. At least rightoid conspiracy theories are only believed by boomers and poltards.

Here's what I've been looking for:

Rose City Antifa said on Twitter Saturday that Kealier’s death didn’t appear to have any political connection.

“Our sources indicate that this was not related to fascist activity,” the group said.

That explains the deafening silence about this in local media. It was an internal dispute. So you've got an antifa guy running over another antifa guy with other antifa guys shooting at him. The "friends" of the victim don't call an ambulance, they drive him to the hospital. Many people from antifa witnessed or participated in it and know who did it but won't tell the cops.

Really makes you 🤔🤔🤔 whether this is the kind of activity we should be encouraging.

Where does it say it was an internal dispute? You just making shit up now?

The terrorist organization that calls literally everyone nazis puts out a statement saying this is the one instance of not fascist violence. That literally means it HAS to be internal